Spilleautomater er den mest populære formen for casinospill på nett hos Wildz. Vi har hundrevis av titler utviklet av de beste spilltilbyderne i bransjen. Samtlige spillutviklere har sin egen stil og sine foretrukne funksjoner. Nye spilleautomater på nett legges til i utvalget vårt hver eneste uke, inkludert alle de nyeste titlene.
Til tross for tydelige forskjeller i funksjonalitet, i tillegg til design og maksimale gevinstmuligher, så deler alle spilleautomater ett trekk. Alle casinospill krever at man satser et bestemt beløp i et forsøk på å lande forhåndsbestemte gevinstkombinasjoner med symbolene i spillet.
Hvordan kalkulere gevinster
Gevinstlinjer, innsatslinjer og måter å vinne på står sentralt i alle slags spilleautomater på nett. Det er disse som indikerer hvor mange mulige gevinstkombinasjoner det er i et spill.
Målet er som oftest å matche identiske symboler langs en av de aktive gevinstlinjene. I mange spill finnes det flere tusen slike linjer, noe som øker gevinstpotensialet dramatisk. Wild-symbolet, et lønnsomt virkemiddel i de fleste casinospill, bidrar til å forme gevinstkombinasjoner ved å erstatte for andre symboler (med unntak av scatter-symbolet).
Som oftest må gevinstkombinasjoner starte på hjulet lengst til venstre, selv om det også finnes alternative mekanismer slik som ‘Win Anywhere Along a Payline’ og ‘Win Both Ways’. Disse øker gevinstmulighetene dine og f.eks lar deg forme gevinstkombinasjoner fra høyre mot venstre i tillegg.
Det finnes også mange spill som går helt bort fra konseptet med gevinstlinker. I enkelte casinospill holder det f.eks at matchende symboler lander på sidestilte hjul, som regel fra og med hjulet lengst til venstre. Det er også mulig å lande symboler i ‘klaser’ som fører til gevinster.
Hvordan satse
Det første man gjør er å velge innsatsbeløp. Dette kalkuleres ved å multiplisere antallet gevinstlinjer/måter å vinne på, på myntbeløpet.
Hvis man f.eks satser en myntverdi på 1 kr hver spillrunde på tvers av 15 separate gevinstlinjer tilsvarer dette en kostnad på 15 kr pr. spinn (1 x 15). Denne summen tilsvarer dermed innsatsen din. Jo flere innsatslinjer du spiller på, desto høyere blir sjansene for å lande gevinstkombinasjoner. Men, naturligvis, så øker også den samlede innsatsen.
Ekstra bonusfunksjoner
I tillegg til den grunnleggende spillmekanismen legger majoriteten av spillutviklerne til ekstra bonusfunksjoner som gjør spillopplevelsen bedre og øker gevinstmulighetene.
Gratisspinn er en standard bonusfunksjon som finnes i de fleste nyutgivelser. Ambisiøse spillutviklere legger dog ofte til ekstra bonusfunksjoner, slik som en ‘pick-a-bonus’-runder. Her velger man blant forskjellige objekter på skjermen som deretter avdekker belønninger som ekstra spinn eller multiplikatorverdier for gevinster. Målet er å unngå ‘Collect’ som avslutter funksjonen og tar deg tilbake til grunnspillet.
Bonusrunder aktiveres som regel ved å lande minst 3 identiske bonus- eller scatter-symboler på ett spinn.
En annen funksjon man ofte ser er Gamble-valget som er populært i flere eldre titler. Det er ofte å finne i ‘Book’-spill, slik som et av bransjens mest populære spill Book of Dead. Valget dukker opp etter enhver gevinst og gir spilleren muligheten til å doble gevinsten sin ved å tippe på et utfall som er 50/50 - slik som f.eks om et spillkort har fargen rød eller svart. Det er også mulig å prøve å firedoble gevinsten sin ved å prøve å tippe riktig kortsymbol (spar, ruter etc.).
Forskjellige typer spilleautomater
Videoautomater kommer i mange former, og nedenfor går vi gjennom de vanligste typene du finner hos Wildz. Det er klassiske automater med et retro design og moderne varianter som Megaways.
Standard videoautomater
Standard videoautomater tilbyr mellom 4-6 hjul og et bestemt antall gevinstlinjer, og denne spillkategorien utgjør den største i vårt nettcasino. Man er stort sett nødt til å lande et visst antall matchende symboler, også ved hjelp av wilds, langs en gevinstlinje for å vinne. De største premiene er forbeholdt kombinasjoner som består av 4 eller flere matchende symboler.
I de fleste slike spill er det i gratisspinnrunden de aller største gevinstene befinner seg.
Developed by premier content creator Big Time Gaming, this unique game dynamic turns each betting round into a guessing game by randomising the number of ways to win on each spin - constantly keeping players on their toes.
Den innovative spillmotoren endrer hele tiden antallet symboler på hjulene, og i full effekt er det totalt 117 649 måter å vinne på. Det gjør hvert spinn unikt og sørger for en ekstra spennende spillopplevelse. Prøv ut Red Tiger Gamings 2020-oppgradering Gonzo’s Quest Megaways, eller en annen fornøyelig oppgradering i Piggy Riches Megaways, hvis du er ute etter Megaways-moro av høyeste kvalitet.
Klassiske spilleautomater
Spill som minner om gammeldagse ’enarmede banditter’, typiske fruktmaskiner, er kjent som ‘Klassiske spilleautomater’. Disse spillene har som regel symboler bestående av BARs, frukt, 7ere og bjeller, og passer perfekt for nostalgiske typer som ønsker en opplevelse som etterligner en fysisk, landbasert automat. Disse spillene har som regel lav varians og tilbyr en jevn strøm av mindre gevinster.
Klassiske automater blander en old-school stil med moderne grafikk. Disse spillene mangler som regel en bonusrunde, selv om det finnes unntak til denne regelen.
Spill med rutenett
De seneste årene har en ny type gameplay vokst frem, og mange spill benytter rutenett fremfor mer tradisjonelle hjul. I slik spill er man nødt til å lande ‘klaser’ med identiske symboler, som regel minst 5. Vinnende symboler fjernes fra rutenettet og erstattes av nye som faller ovenfra. Dette fortsetter helt frem til det ikke formes flere nye gevinstkombinasjoner på rutenettet.
Den fargerike fanfavoritten Jammin’ Jars fra Push Gaming, og evig populære Reactoonz fra Play’n GO er to strålende eksempler på spill som benytter rutenett fremfor tradisjonelle hjul.
Utvidende spillområde
Enkelte spill gir også muligheten for at spillområdet ‘åpnes’, eller utvides, når man lander gevinstkombinasjoner. Dette kan være i form av ekstra kolonner eller hjul. Slik økes også antallet gevinstlinjer, noe som dermed betyr enda flere gevinstmuligheter. I enkelte tilfeller kan det føre til over 100 000 måter å vinne på, selv om dette balanseres ut av antallet symboler som nå er i spill. Dette er uansett en herlig spillfunksjon som sørger for en spillopplevelse helt utenom det vanlige.
Gratisspinn er den vanligste formen for bonusfunksjoner man finner i casinospill på nett, i tillegg til respinn og andre bonusformer. Vi ser nærmere på disse i det følgende.
Free Spins
Gratisspinn, ofte referert til so free spins, finnes i de aller fleste spilleautomater hos Wildz. Stort sett alle spilltilbydere i vårt bibliotek har minst ett spill som tilbyr gratisspinn.
Denne bonusfunksjonen aktiveres som regel når man lander minst 3 identiske symboler, som regel scatter-symbolet, på samme spinn. I enkelte spill kan man også motta gratisspinn på tilfeldige tidspunkt.
Som regel mottar man et bestemt antall gratisspinn ved starten av runden, men i enkelte ‘pick-me’-spill, slik som undervannseventyret Release the Kraken oppdager du antallet spinn ved å velge mellom tilfeldige objekter. Denne morsomme vrien gir en ekstra dimensjon til bonusrunden.
I tillegg til antallet gratisspinn gir enkelte spill deg muligheten til å øke gevinstene dine ved hjelp av tilfeldige multiplikatorer. Disse multiplikatorene kan bestemmes før runden, men de kan også opptjenes i løpet av runden. Denne dynamikken gir ofte den lukrative varianten ‘progressive multiplikatorer’ hvor multiplikatoren øker for hver påfølgende gevinst. Når det ikke er noen øvre grense for hvor høye disse kan være kan progressive multiplikatorer produsere eksplosive gevinster. Disse finner man som regel i spill med høy varians, slik som den strålende 2020-utgivelsen Wheel of Wonders fra Push Gaming.
Med denne funksjonen mottar man ekstra spinn / respinn hver gang forhåndsbestemte gevinstkombinasjoner oppnås. Det beste med respinn er at de ofte fortsetter så lenge det formes nye gevinstkombinasjoner på hjulene. Det er ikke utenkelig å motta mange slike spinn på rad.
Hvor trygge er spilleautomater?
Kort forklart, meget trygge. Vi forklarer hvorfor nedenfor.
Du kan være helt trygg på at hvert eneste casinospill på nett hos Wildz Casino er grundig gjennomgått og lisensiert av bransjens strengeste tilsynsorgan: Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) som hører til i EU. MGA overser Maltas gambling-industri og deler ut lisenser, råd og tips på jevnlig basis.
MGA gjennomgår, inspiserer og gir juridiske føringer for Wildz og alle andre merkevarer som opereres under moderselskapet Rootz LTD.
Det er ikke lov å tilby spill som ikke har en tilfeldig tallgenerator (RNG). Denne generatoren sørger for at alle spill, runder, utdelinger og lignende er rettferdig og uavhengig, og utenfor casinoets eller spillutviklerens kontroll. Vi garanterer at alle spill på våre nettsider ikke kan tukles med av noen.
Det finnes ikke et nettcasino på markedet som har muligheten til å endre eller manipulere en slik tilfeldig tallgenerator.
Wildz og alle andre casinoer på nett er lovpålagt å inkorporere slike tallgeneratorer i våre spill, og disse testes grundig og lisensieres av det respekterte tilsynsorganet.
Alle videoautomater må følge et minstekrav for teoretisk tilbakebetalingsprosent (Return-to-Player, RTP), fastsatt av MGA til 92%. Det betyr at pr. 100 kr som satses på et spill tilbakebetales det i gjennomsnitt 92 kr. I realiteten er er dette tallet mellom 95%-97% for de aller fleste spilleautomater på nett.
Wildz Casino bruker også den samme SSL-teknologien som man finner hos verdens ledende finansorganisasjoner. Dette sørger for den høyeste formen for sikkerhet for spillernes midler ved at alle betalinger krypteres.
Alle midler som tilhører spillere må også oppbevares separat fra selskapets midler i henhold til lovverket. Alle dine penger hos Wildz oppbevares trygt i en separat bankkonto og kan tas ut 24/7 hver eneste dag.
Spilleautomatenes historie
De første mekaniske videoautomatene ble utviklet i USA sent i det 19. århundre. De første mekaniske automatene var basert på pokerspill, og dukket opp i New York rundt 1891. Disse spillene dukket faktisk først opp i barer, ikke casinoer. På den tiden utbetalte ikke disse automatene pengepremier. Hvis man vant viste man frem gevinstkombinasjonen til bartenderen som deretter ga spilleren en gratis øl eller en sigar i retur. Disse tidlige utgavene av mekaniske spilleautomater var først og fremst ment som et underholdningsprodukt på puben, ikke som en fullverdig gamblingopplevelse.
Rundt den samme tiden innså Charles Fey fra San Francisco at spilleautomater var en potensielt lønnsom butikk. Han utviklet en enkel maskin med 5 enkle symboler som vi fortsatt drar kjensel på den dag i dag - hestesko, diamanter, spar, hjerter og en bjelle. Feys maskin, Liberty BelI, ble en umiddelbar suksess og ble starten på en hel industri med mekaniske spilleautomater.
Selv om Feys hjemstat California forbød gambling kort tid etter oppfinnelsen hans, begynte mekaniske spilleautomater å dukke opp over hele USA. En av grunnene til at maskinene spredte seg så raskt var at Charles Fey hadde glemt å søke om patent for oppfinnelsen sin. Det gjorde at andre kunne kopiere designet hans, noe som igjen førte til at disse mekaniske pengespillmaskinene spredte seg som ild i tørt gress i Amerika.
Ved starten av det 20. århundre var det mange amerikanske stater som fikk panikk over utviklingen til mekaniske spilleautomater, og mange av de introduserte strenge lover mot pengespill. For å omgå lovverket begynte de tidlige maskinene å dele ut mat og godteri for å ikke havne i trøbbel.
Liberaliseringen av landet etter den andre verdenskrigen førte dog til at gambling ble legalisert og regulert i en rekke amerikanske stater. Etterkrigsmaskinene begynte å dele ut mynter eller amuletter som kunne veksles inn i kontanter.
I 1963 ble den første elektromekaniske spilleautomaten introdusert. Denne maskinen benyttet elektronikk til å kontrollere aktuatorer, en form for pådragsorgan, som deretter flyttet de mekaniske hjulene. Selv om de brukte mekaniske hjul var denne maskinen en videreføring av spilleautomatteknologien, og den gjorde den store spillstaven på siden av automaten i stor grad overflødig.
Den første helektroniske spilleautomaten ble utviklet på midten av 70-tallet og inkorporerte en Sony-TV. Disse elektroniske maskinene ble umiddelbart ekstremt populære. En videreutvikling forekom i 1996 da man la til spill på en ekstra skjerm, bonusfunksjoner som tok spilleren vekk fra spillområdet for å delta i bonusrunder.
På midten av 90-tallet så vi også fremveksten av de første casinoene på nett. Mellom 1996 og 2008 ble online gaming introdusert i de fleste land, og lovverk verden over sørger for trygge og rettferdige omgivelser for nettspillere.
I 1998 var den totale omsetning for online gambling på under 1 billion euro. Spol fremover 25 år, så leser man at nylige anslag tipper at veksten for online gambling vil stige til over 65 billioner euro innen 2023.
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- Ark of Mystery
- Ark of Ra
- Arkham Fear
- Armadillo Does Christmas
- Armadillo Goes West
- Armageddon 10K Ways
- Around The World
- Arriba
- Arriba Heat
- Arriba Heat Megaways
- Arriba Heat: Fuego Fortunes
- Arriba Heat: Salsa Wilds
- ARRR! 10k ways
- Artemis vs Medusa
- Arthur's Gold
- Arto & The 7 Deadly Spins
- Ascension: Rise to Riches
- Asena
- Asgard
- Asgard Warriors
- Asgardian Fire
- Asgardian Rising
- Asgardian Stones
- Asgardians
- Asgardians Dice
- Ashoka
- Ashoka Eternal
- Asia Wins
- Assassin Moon
- Astro Boomers Turbo!
- Astro Newts Megaways
- Astro Pandas
- Astronaut
- Astros
- Athens Megaways
- Atlantean GigaRise
- Atlantic Wilds
- Atlantis
- Atlantis Crush
- Atlantis Gold
- Atlantis Megaways
- Atlantis Power Combo
- Atlantis Rising
- Atlantis Thunder
- Atlantis Thunder St Patrick's Edition
- Atlantis: The Forgotten Kingdom
- Atlas of Legends
- Attack of the Zombees WildEnergy
- Attack on Retro
- Augustus
- Aura of Jupiter CCS
- Aureus
- Aurora: Beast Hunter
- Aurum Codex
- Aus Dem Tal
- Aussies vs Emus
- Autobahn Automat
- Avalon
- Avatars: Gateway Guardians
- Ave Caesar
- Ave Caesar Dynamic Ways
- Aztec Adventure
- Aztec Ancients
- Aztec Ascension
- Aztec Blox
- Aztec Bonanza
- Aztec Bonus Pot
- Aztec Clusters
- Aztec Falls
- Aztec Gems
- Aztec Gems Deluxe
- Aztec Gold Megaways
- Aztec Gold Mines
- Aztec Gold: Extra Gold Megaways
- Aztec Idols
- Aztec Jaguar Megaways
- Aztec Luck
- Aztec Magic Bonanza
- Aztec Magic Deluxe
- Aztec Magic Megaways
- Aztec Palace
- Aztec Powernudge
- Aztec Respin
- Aztec Star
- Aztec Stargems
- Aztec Super Tracks
- Aztec Treasure Hunt
- Aztec Triple Riches Power Combo
- Aztec Twist
- Aztec Warrior Princess
- Aztec Wilds Megaways
- Aztec-X
- Azticons Chaos Clusters
- B
- Baboon To The Moon
- Babushkas
- Baby Bloomers
- Babylon Riches
- Back to the Fruits
- Back to the Fruits ROAR
- Bacon Banker
- Bad Bass
- Badge Blitz
- Badger Miners
- Baker's Treat
- Bakery Bonanza
- Bali Vacation
- Ballin'
- Balls Galore Lightning Drop
- Bamboo Fortune
- Bamboo Wilds
- Banana Drop
- Banana Odyssey
- Banana Rock
- Banana Split
- Banana Town
- Banana Town Dream Drop
- Bananaz 10k Ways
- Bandits Thunder Link
- Bang Bang
- Bang Bang Reloaded
- Bangkok Dreams
- Bangkok Dreams K Gamble
- Banished Souls
- Bank or Bust
- Bankers & Cash
- Bankin' Bacon
- Bankin' More Bacon
- Banquet of Dead
- Bar Bar Black Sheep
- Bar Slot
- Barbarian Fury
- Barbarians Gold
- Barbarossa
- Barbarossa Revenge Doublemax
- Barber Shop Uncut
- Barhalla
- Barnyard Megahays Megaways
- Barnyard Twister
- Baron Bloodmore and The Crimson Castle
- Baron: Lord of Saturday
- Barrel Bonanza
- BARs & 7s
- Basketball King Hold & Win
- Basketball Star
- Basketball Star on Fire
- Bass Boss
- Bass Cash Christmas X UP
- Bass Cash X UP
- Bass Smash
- Battle Dwarf 2
- Battle Maidens
- Battle Maidens: Cleopatra
- Battleground Royale
- Beach Invaders
- Beach Party
- Beach Party Hot
- Beam Boys
- Beanstalk Grows Wild
- Bear Money
- Bears Make Bank Power Combo
- Beast Band
- Beast Below
- Beast Mode
- Beasts of Fire Maximum
- Beastwood
- Beasty Blox Gigablox
- Beat the Beast: Cerberus' Inferno
- Beat the Beast: Dragon's Wrath
- Beat the Beast: Griffin's Gold
- Beat the Beast: Quetzalcoatl's Trial
- Beat The Bobbies
- Beat the Bobbies At The Tower of London
- Beautiful Nature
- Beauty and the Beast
- Beauty Fruity
- Beef Lightning
- Beef Up The Bonus
- Beellionaires Dream Drop
- Beer Boost
- Beer Party
- Beer Stein Bears
- Beers on Reels
- Beez Kneez
- Beheaded
- Bell of Fortune
- Belle Epoque
- Belle of the Ball
- Bells
- Bells 10
- Bells and Holly Multiplier Retro Roller
- Bells XL
- Benji Killed in Vegas
- Benny The Beer
- Beriched
- Berryburst
- Berryburst MAX
- Best New York Food
- Best Things In Life
- Betty Bonkers
- Betty's Big Bonanza
- Betty, Boris and Boo
- Beware The Deep Megaways
- BeWitcher
- Bicicleta
- Biergarten
- Biergarten Unlimited
- Big Apple Wins
- Big Atlantis Frenzy
- Big Bad Beasts
- Big Bad Bison
- Big Bad Wolf
- Big Bad Wolf Christmas Special
- Big Bad Wolf Megaways
- Big Bad Wolf: Pigs of Steel
- Big Bam-book
- Big Bamboo
- Big Bang Boom
- Big Bass Amazon Xtreme
- Big Bass Bonanza - Reel Action
- Big Bass Christmas Bash
- Big Bass Day at the Races
- Big Bass Floats My Boat
- Big Bass Halloween
- Big Bass Halloween 2
- Big Bass Hold & Spinner Megaways
- Big Bass Mission Fishin'
- Big Bass Secrets of the Golden Lake
- Big Bass Vegas Double Down Deluxe
- Big Bass Xmas Xtreme
- Big Benji Bonanza
- Big Benji's Back WildWays
- Big Big Fishing Fortune
- Big Bite
- Big Blox
- Big Bonus
- Big Bonus Booster
- Big Boom Riches
- Big Bounty Bill
- Big Bounty Gold
- Big Brown
- Big Buck Bunny
- Big Bucks Bandits Megaways
- Big Bucks Buffalo Gigablox
- Big Buddha Bags
- Big Buffalo
- Big Buffalo Badlands
- Big Burger Load it up with Xtra cheese
- Big Buzz
- Big Cash Super Wheel
- Big Cat King Megaways
- Big Cat Rescue Megaways
- Big Catch Bass Fishing
- Big Catch Bass Fishing Megaways
- Big Christmas Present
- Big Egyptian Fortune
- Big Fin Bay
- Big Fish
- Big Fishing Fortune
- Big Football Bonus
- Big Game Fishing TopHit
- Big Green Wilds
- Big Hits Blazinator
- Big Horsey Fortune
- Big Irish Bucks
- Big Juan
- Big Max 77
- Big Max Books and Pearls
- Big Max Books Unlimited
- Big Max Diamonds and Wilds
- Big Max Door
- Big Max Multi Reel
- Big Max Pot Hunter
- Big Max Pots and Pearls
- Big Max Sevens
- Big Max Super Pearls
- Big Max Upgrade
- Big Money Bass
- Big Money Bass 6
- Big Money Frenzy
- Big Money Megaways
- Big Money Vegas
- Big Money Wheel
- Big Mouth Fishin'
- Big Piggy Bank
- Big Piggy Bonus
- Big Roar
- Big Santa Fortune
- Big Scary Fortune
- Big Size Fishin'
- Big Spin Bonus
- Big Spin Bonus Extra Spins
- Big Sugar Bonanza
- Big Top
- Big Top Terror
- Big Win Cat
- Big X
- BigBot Crew
- Bigger Catch Bass Fishing
- Bigger Money Bass
- Bigger Size Fishin'
- Bikini Paradise
- Bill & Coin
- Bill & Coin Dream Drop
- Billy Bob Boom
- Bingo Blitzer
- Birds On A Wire
- Birthday!
- Bison Battle
- Bison Blocks
- Bison Bonanza
- Bison Boom
- Bison Gold
- Bison Moon Megaways
- Bison Moon Ultra Link&Win
- Bison Rising Megaways
- Bison Valley
- Bison Wilds DoubleMax
- Bjorn to Be Wild
- Black and White
- Black Beauty
- Black Forest
- Black Gold 2 Megaways
- Black Gold Megaways
- Black Hole
- Black Horse Cash Out Edition
- Black Magic
- Black River Gold
- Blackbeard Battle of the Seas
- Blackbeard SuperSlice Rings
- Blackbeard's Compass
- Blackmoore Wolf
- Blade & Fangs
- Blade Master
- Blarneys Gold
- Blaze and Frost
- Blaze of Ra
- Blazin' Rails
- Blazing Bison Gold Blitz
- Blazing Bison: Gold Blitz Extreme
- Blazing Bull
- Blazing Bull 2
- Blazing Bull Cash Quest
- Blazing Bull K Gamble
- Blazing Bull Remastered
- Blazing Clusters
- Blazing Goals
- Blazing Inferno Chaos Reels
- Blazing Lake
- Blazing Lake Link & Win
- Blazing Mammoth
- Blazing Mammoth XL
- Blazing Piranhas
- Blazing Spirit Hold and Win
- Blazing Star
- Blazing Tiger
- Blazing Touch
- Blazing Wilds Megaways
- Blazing Wins
- Blender Blitz
- Blessed Dragons Hold and Win
- Blessed Flame
- Bling Bling Penguin
- Bling Bling Penguin: Ice on the Beach
- Bling Boyz
- Blirix Workshop
- Blobsters Clusterbuster
- Blockchain Megaways
- Blood & Shadow
- Blood & Shadow 2
- Blood Hunters
- Blood Lust
- Blood Moon Express
- Blood Moon Hold & Win
- Blood Queen
- Blood Rage
- Blood Suckers
- Blood Suckers II
- Blood Suckers Megaways
- Bloodaxe
- Bloodthirst
- Bloody Brilliant
- Bloopers
- Bloxx Arctic
- Bloxx Flare
- Bloxx Fruit
- Bloxx Thunder
- Blue Diamond
- Blue Diamond Book
- Blue Fortune
- Blue Slot
- Blue Slot Dice
- Blue Wizard
- Boat Bonanza Down Under
- Boilin' Pots
- Bollywood Story
- Bolt X UP™
- Bolts of Zeus
- Bombuster
- Bompers
- Bonanza Billion
- Bonanza Falls
- Bonanza Rush Express
- Bonanza Wheel
- Bonbon Bonanza
- Bone Bonanza
- Bones & Bounty
- Bonnie & Clyde
- Bonnie & Clyde
- Bonny's Treasure
- Bonsai Spins
- Bonus Bunnies
- Bonus Digger
- Bonus Fruits
- Bonus Island
- Bonus Runner Retro Edition
- Boo
- Boogie Boom
- Book Extreme
- Book of 1001 Nights
- Book of 8 Riches
- Book of 99
- Book of Adventure
- Book of Adventure: Super Stake Edition
- Book of Amduat
- Book of Amun
- Book of Amun Magic
- Book of Anubis
- Book of Armadillo
- Book of Atem
- Book of Atem WOWPOT
- Book of Ba'al
- Book of Blackeyes Bounty
- Book of Blarney GigaBlox
- Book of Bloodlines
- Book of Bonanza
- Book of Books
- Book of Buffalo
- Book of Cai Shen
- Book of Captain Silver
- Book of Cats Megaways
- Book of Cleopatra
- Book of Cleopatra: Super stake
- Book of Conquistador
- Book of Crazy Chicken
- Book of Crazy Chicken GDN
- Book of Dead
- Book of Destiny
- Book of Dino Unlimited
- Book of Dracula
- Book of Duat
- Book of Elements
- Book of Evil
- Book of Faith
- Book of Faith™ Easter
- Book of Gates
- Book of Gems Megaways Bonus Buy
- Book of Goddess
- Book of Gods
- Book of Gods
- Book of Gold: Double Chance
- Book of Halloween
- Book of Heroes
- Book of Holla: Bonus Spin
- Book of Immortals
- Book of Inferno
- Book Of Inti
- Book of Ishtar
- Book of Jokers
- Book of Jones Golden Book
- Book of Juno
- Book of Keno
- Book of King Arthur
- Book of Lady
- Book of Loki
- Book of Madness
- Book of Mega Moolah
- Book of Merlin
- Book Of Ming
- Book Of Mrs Claus
- Book of Muertitos
- Book of Nibelungen
- Book of Northern Lights
- Book of Oasis
- Book of Oil
- Book of Oz
- Book of Oz Lock 'N Spin
- Book of Panda Megaways
- Book of Poseidon
- Book of Princess
- Book of Riches
- Book of Riches Deluxe
- Book of Riches Deluxe: Chapter 2
- Book of Romeo and Julia
- Book of Romeo and Julia Golden Nights
- Book of Sam
- Book of Santa
- Book of Sheba
- Book of Souls
- Book Of Souls 2
- Book of Souls Remastered
- Book of Spies: Mission X
- Book of the Ages
- Book of the Irish
- Book Of The Priestess
- Book of The Priestess Bonus Buy
- Book of Thieves
- Book of Time
- Book of Tombs
- Book of Tut Megaways
- Book of Tut Respin
- Book of Vlad
- Book of Wisdom
- Book of Xerxes
- Book of Yuletide
- Bookie of Odds
- Books & Bounties
- Books & Bulls GDN
- Books & Bulls RHFP
- Books & Pearls
- Boom Pirates
- Boom Pirates Fight For Gold
- Boom the Buffoon
- Boom Time
- Boomerang Jack's Lost Mines
- Booming Bananas
- Booming Seven Deluxe
- Boomshakalaka
- Booty Ahoy
- Born Wild
- Boss Bear
- Bouncy Balls 2
- Bouncy Bombs
- Bounty Belles
- Bounty Hunter Unchained
- Bounty Hunters xNudge
- Bounty Pop
- Bounty Raid
- Bounty Raid 2
- Bounty Showdown
- Bounty Smash
- Bow of Artemis
- Bow Wow
- Brawlers Bar
- Break Away
- Break Away Deluxe
- Break Away Lucky Wilds
- Break Bones
- Break da Bank Again
- Break Da Bank Again 4Tune Reels
- Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah
- Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah 4Tune Reels
- Break Da Bank Again Megaways
- Break Da Bank Again Respin
- Break Da Bank Retro Roller
- Brew Brothers
- Brew Brothers: Xmas Brew
- Brick Snake 2000
- Brides of Dracula Hold & Win
- Brilliant Diamonds: Hold & Win
- Brilliant Gems
- Brilliant Sparkle
- Britain's Got Winners
- Bronco Big Bounty
- Brooklyn Bootleggers
- Bruno's Vegas Gold Blitz
- Brute Force
- Brute Force
- Bubble Beez
- Bucks and Doe 10k Ways
- Buckshot Wilds
- Budai Reels
- Budai Reels Bonus Buy
- Buffalo 50
- Buffalo Bash
- Buffalo Blaze: Wild Wealth
- Buffalo Blow
- Buffalo Blox Gigablox
- Buffalo Bucks
- Buffalo Collector
- Buffalo Hold and Win
- Buffalo Hold and Win Extreme
- Buffalo Hunter
- Buffalo King Untamed Megaways
- Buffalo Lightning
- Buffalo Mania Megaways
- Buffalo Nights Hold & Spin
- Buffalo On Fire!
- Buffalo Power 2: Hold and Win
- Buffalo Smash
- Buffalo Stack'n'Sync
- Buffalo Trail
- Buffalo Trail Lite
- Buffalo Trail Ultra
- Buffalo Win
- Buggin
- Bugs Money
- Bugsy's Bar
- Build the Bank
- Buildin' Bucks
- Bull Dozer
- Bull Fever
- Bullet Bonanza
- Bullet Train Bandits Rush Express
- Bullion Bars Gold Collector
- Bullion Bars Grab the Gold
- Bulls Run Wild
- Bunny Loot
- Burlesque by Dita
- Burn 7s Burn
- Burning Blox GigaBlox
- Burning Classics
- Burning Classics go Wild
- Burning Desire
- Burning Diamonds
- Burning Diamonds K Gamble
- Burning Reels
- Burning Slots
- Burning Slots 100
- Burning Slots 20
- Burning Slots 40
- Burning Slots Cash Mesh
- Burning Slots Cash Mesh Ultra
- Burning Stars
- Burning Stars 3
- Burning Sun Extremely Light
- Burning Wins: classic 5 lines
- Bushi Sushi
- Bushido Ways xNudge
- Bushtucker Bonanza
- Bust the Bank
- Bust The Mansion
- Buster Hammer Carnival
- Buster's Bones
- Butterfly Charms
- Butterfly Lovers
- Butterfly Staxx
- Butterfly Staxx 2
- Børk the Berzerker
- C
- C Punk 5k
- Cabin Crashers
- Cache Rush
- Cai Fu Emperor Ways
- Cai Shen 168
- Cairo Link & Win
- Caishen Smash
- Caishen Wins
- Caishen's Cash
- Caishen's Gold
- Caishen's Temple of Gold
- Cake and Ice Cream
- Cakeshop Cascade
- Calavera Crush
- Call of the Wild
- Calliga
- Cam Carter & the Wheel of Wonder
- Cam Carter and the Cursed Caves
- Camino De Chili
- Camino de Chili Bonus Buy
- Camping Hero
- Candy & Fruits
- Candy Bears Sweet Wins
- Candy Blitz
- Candy Blitz Bombs
- Candy Bonanza
- Candy Burst
- Candy Combo - Power Combo
- Candy Corner
- Candy Dreams Bingo
- Candy Dreams: Sweet Planet
- Candy Dreams: Sweet Planet Bonus Buy
- Candy Elves
- Candy Glyph
- Candy Island Princess
- Candy Jar Cluster
- Candy Links Bonanza
- Candy Paradise
- Candy Prize BIG
- Candy Shop
- Candy Treasures
- Candy Wild Bonanza
- Candyfinity
- Candyways Bonanza 2
- Candyways Bonanza 3
- Candyways Bonanza Megaways
- Cannon Thunder
- Cannonade
- Cannonball Cash
- Captain Shark
- Captain Stack
- Captain Wild
- Captain Xeno's Earth Adventure
- Captain's Bounty
- Captain's Coins
- Caravan of Riches
- Caravan To Cairo
- Caribbean Anne
- Caribbean Anne 2
- Caribbean Anne K Gamble
- Carnaval
- Carnaval do Rio
- Carnaval Jackpot
- Carnaval Link&Win
- Carnival Queen
- Carts of Cash
- Carts of Cash Xmas
- Case Closed
- Cash 'N Riches Megaways
- Cash 'N Riches WOWPOT!
- Cash Box
- Cash Camel
- Cash Carts Western Wagons
- Cash Cats
- Cash Chips
- Cash Compass
- Cash Crew
- Cash Cubes Trio Bonus
- Cash Defense
- Cash Flip Devil's Coin
- Cash Flip Medusa
- Cash Fruits Plus
- Cash Inferno Sizzling Scatters
- Cash Joker
- Cash Lab Megaways
- Cash Noire
- Cash of Kingdoms
- Cash on Wheels Hold and win
- Cash or Nothing
- Cash Pandas
- Cash Pig
- Cash Quest
- Cash Smash
- Cash Streak
- Cash Streak Dice
- Cash Strike
- Cash Strike
- Cash Strike Hot Stepper
- Cash Strike Power 5
- Cash Tank
- Cash Truck
- Cash Truck 2
- Cash Truck 3 Turbo
- Cash Truck Xmas Delivery
- Cash Up
- Cash Volt
- Cash-O-Matic
- Cashbag Bandits
- Cashpot Kegs
- Cashpot Kegs Megaways
- Cashpot Strike 7's
- Cashpots Blazinator
- Casino Blocks
- Casino Night
- Casino Punks
- Casino Win Spin
- Castle of Fire
- Castle of Terror
- Cat Clans
- Cat Clans 2 - Mad Cats
- Cat Peak
- Catch Me a Winner
- Catch of the Christmas Day Respin 'em in
- Catch of The Day
- Catch of the Day Respin 'Em In
- Catch the Gold Hold and Win
- Catdiana
- Catemple
- CatPurry
- Catrina
- Catrina's Coins
- Cats of Olympuss
- Cats of the Caribbean
- Cauldron
- Cave of Fortune
- Cave of Gems
- Cave of Gold
- Cave of Xmas
- Caveman Bob
- Cazino Cosmos
- Cazino Zeppelin
- Cazino Zeppelin Reloaded
- Celebrationale
- Celestial Beauty
- Celtic Spirit
- Centurio
- Centurion Big Money
- Centurion Diamonds
- Centurion Megaways
- Centurion Super Fight
- Cerberus Gold
- Chamber of Fire
- Chambers of Ancients
- Champion Blitz Hold and Win
- Champion of the Underworld
- Champions Of Olympus
- Chance Machine 100
- Chance Machine 20
- Chance Machine 20 Dice
- Chance Machine 40
- Chance Machine 5
- Chance Machine 5 Dice
- Chaos Crew 2
- Charming Hearts
- Chase for Glory
- Checkmate Hot 1
- Cheeky Fruits
- Cheeky Fruits 6 Deluxe
- Cheeky Fruits Split
- Cherries Gone Rich
- Cherry Bomb Deluxe
- Cherry Pop
- Cherry Power Boost
- CherryPop Deluxe
- Cheshire Wild
- Cheshire's Luck
- Chessmas
- Chest Hunter
- Chests of Cai Shen
- Chests of Gold: Power Combo
- Chi
- Chibeasties
- Chicago Boss
- Chicago Gold
- Chicken Chase
- Chicken Madness
- Chicken Madness Ultra
- Chicken Man
- Chicken Night Fever
- Chicken Rush
- Chickenville Power Combo
- Chief Hawks Spirit Walk
- Chili Bonanza X Up
- Chilli Bandits
- Chilli Champions UltraHitz
- Chilli Con Carnage
- Chilli Festival
- Chilli Flame 7s Hold and Win
- Chilli Inferno
- Chilli Joker
- Chilli Party
- Chilli Pepe Hot Stacks
- Chilli Picante Megaways
- Chilli Prize Pots
- Chimney Sweep
- China Emperor
- China Temple
- Chinese Treasures
- Chip Spin
- Choco Reels
- Chocolates
- Chocolossus
- Christmas Bonanza
- Christmas Cash Spins
- Christmas Catch
- Christmas Crumble
- Christmas Fortune
- Christmas Gold Digger
- Christmas Luck
- Christmas Matters
- Christmas Morning
- Christmas Plaza DoubleMax
- Christmas Prize Pooch
- Christmas Reach
- Christmas Santa
- Christmas Wins
- Chronicles of Olympus II - Hades
- Chronicles of Olympus II - Zeus
- Chronicles of Olympus X UP
- Chunjie
- Cinderella's Ball
- Circle of Sylvan
- Circus Delight
- Cirque dе la Fortune
- Clash Of Heroes
- Clash of Seraphim
- Clash Of The Beasts
- Classic Coins
- Classic Fantastic
- Classic Fruit Hold & Win
- Classic Fruits
- Classic Joker 6 Reels
- Classic Spins
- ClassicJoker
- Cleopatra's Diamonds
- Cleopatra's Golden Spells™
- Cleopatra's Pearls
- Cleopatra's Steps
- Cleopatras Crown
- Cleopatrick
- CleoPatrick DoubleMax
- Cloud Princess
- Cloud Quest
- Clover Blitz Hold and Win
- Clover Bonanza
- Clover Charm: Hit The Bonus
- Clover Craze
- Clover Fortune
- Clover Fortunes
- Clover Lady
- Clover Rollover 2
- Clover the Rainbow
- Clover the Rainbow 6 Deluxe
- Cloverland Riches
- Clovers of Luck
- Clovers of Luck 2
- Club Tropicana
- Clumsy Cowboys
- Cluster Kingdom
- Cluster Slide
- Cluster Tumble Dream Drop
- Coba Reborn
- Cobra Queen
- Cock-A-Doodle Moo
- Cocktail Book
- Cocktail Hour
- Cocktail Nights
- Coco Cash
- Codex of Fortune
- Coffee House Mystery
- Coin Bash
- Coin Blox
- Coin Field
- Coin Miner
- Coin Miner 2
- Coin Quest
- Coin Quest 2
- Coin Strike: Hold and Win
- Coin Vault
- Coins and Cannons
- Coins of Egypt
- Coins of Fortune
- Coins on Fire
- Coinsweeper
- Cold As Ice
- Cold Gold
- Colin The Cat
- Collapsed Castle
- Collect'Em Fruits
- Colossal Vikings
- Colosseum
- Colossus: Hold & Win
- Colt Cash Hold 'n Win
- Colt Lightning
- Colt Lightning Firestorm
- Combat Masters
- Commander of Tridents
- Conan
- Congo Cash
- Congo Cash XL
- Continent Africa
- Continental Princess
- Convertus Aurum
- Cookie Bonanza
- Cookie Kingdom
- Cops 'n Robbers Big Money Trick or Treat
- Cops 'n' Robbers Big Money
- Cops 'n' Robbers Megaways
- Cops N Robbers Big Money Christmas
- Cops n Robbers Bigger Big Money
- Copy Cats
- Cornelius
- Cornelius Milk Hunter Megaways
- Corrida Romance
- Corrida Romance Deluxe
- Cosmic Cash
- Cosmic Charms
- Cosmic Coins
- Cosmic Dream
- Cosmic Moon
- Cosmic Queens
- Cosmic Rush Dream Drop
- Cosmic Voyager
- Cossacks: The Wild Hunt
- Count It Up
- Countess Cash
- Country Farming
- Cowabunga Dream Drop
- Cowboy Coins
- Cowboys Gold
- Cows & UFOs
- Coywolf Cash
- Crab Trap
- Crabbin For Cash Extra Big Splash
- Crabbin for Christmas
- Crabbin' Crazy
- Crabbin' Crazy 2
- Crabbin' for Cash
- Crabbin' for Cash Megaways
- Crack the Bank Hold and Win
- Crank it Up
- Crashout Fireworks
- Crazy Bananas
- Crazy Cars
- Crazy Colt
- Crazy Cows
- Crazy Diamonds
- Crazy Digginz - It's all Mine!
- Crazy Free Fruits
- Crazy Genie
- Crazy Jokers
- Crazy Monkey Banana Kingdom
- Crazy Pachinko
- Crazy Pug
- Crazy Wild Fruits
- Creature from the Black Lagoon
- Creatures of the Night
- Creepy Christmas
- Cricket Penny Roller
- Crimson Moon
- Criss Cross 81
- Critterpop
- Crop of the Dead
- Crown & Diamonds Hold & Win
- Crown Coins
- Crown of Avalon
- Crown of Valor
- Cruise Royale
- Crusader
- Crypto Fortune
- Crypto Gold
- Crystal Ball Deluxe
- Crystal Ball GDN
- Crystal Ball Multi Symbols
- Crystal Ball RHFP
- Crystal Catcher
- Crystal Clans
- Crystal Classics
- Crystal Falls Multimax
- Crystal Golem
- Crystal Land
- Crystal Land 2
- Crystal Lotus
- Crystal Mania
- Crystal Mirror
- Crystal Prince
- Crystal Queen
- Crystal Queen's Coins
- Crystal Quest: Arcane Tower
- Crystal Quest: Deep Jungle
- Crystal Quest: Frostlands
- Crystal Skull
- Crystal Strike
- Cthulhu
- Cuba Caliente
- Cube Mania
- Cube Mania Deluxe
- Cubes
- Cubes 2
- Cupcakes
- Cupid
- Curse of Ra
- Curse of the Mummies
- Curse of the Pharaoh
- Curse of the Werewolf Megaways
- Cursed Crypt
- Cursed Seas
- Cursed Treasure
- Curvy Corsairs
- Curvy Corsairs Slicin & Dicin Casual
- Cute Fruits
- Cutie Cat
- Cutie Cat CCS
- Cyber Attack
- Cyber Wolf
- Cyber Wolf Dice
- Cyberslot Megaclusters
- Cyborg City
- Cyborg Towers
- Cycle of Luck
- Cycle of Luck Bonus Buy
- Cyclops Smash
- Cygnus
- Cygnus 3
- Cygnus 4
- D
- D Day
- Da Vinci's Machine
- Da Vinci's Treasure
- Da Vinci´s Mystery
- Dam Beavers
- Dance Party
- Danger High Voltage 2
- Danger Zone
- Dansband På Turne
- Dark Candy
- Dark Carnivale
- Dark Joker
- Dark King: Forbidden Riches
- Dark Summoning
- Dark Waters Power Combo
- Darkness
- Daruma's Wealth
- Das xBoot
- Dawn of Kings
- Dawn of the Incas
- Dawn of the Vikings Power Combo
- Day of the Dinero
- Dazzle Me
- Dazzle Me Megaways
- Dazzling Crown
- DCirque
- Dead Canary
- Dead Man's Fingers
- Dead Man's Gold
- Dead Man's Trail Dream Drop
- Dead or Alive
- Dead or Alive 2
- Deadly 5
- deadmau5
- Deadwood R.I.P.
- Deco Diamonds
- Deco Diamonds Deluxe
- Deep Descent
- Deep Rush
- Deeper Money Bass
- Def Leppard: Hysteria
- Defenders of Mystica
- Defenders of the Monastery
- Del Fruit
- Delights of Olympus
- Demon Jack 27
- Demon Pots
- Demon's Gold
- Densho
- Derby Wheel
- Desert Gem
- Desert Temple
- Desperados Wild Megaways
- Desperate Dawgs
- Desperate Dawgs 2 Gigablox
- Destino Das Almas
- Destiny Joker Megaways
- Destiny of Sun and Moon
- Devil's Crossroad
- Devil's Deal
- Devil's Hot Pots
- Devil's Lock
- Devil's Number
- Devil's Ride
- Devil's Trap
- Devilicious
- Devilish Fortunes
- Devour the Weak
- Devourer
- Dia De Los Muertos
- Dia De Los Muertos 2
- Dia del Mariachi Megaways
- Diablo Reels
- Diamond 777 Multiplier Retro Roller
- Diamond and Gold
- Diamond Blast Zone
- Diamond Blitz 2
- Diamond Bounty 7's: Hold and Win
- Diamond Bounty Xmas Hold and Win
- Diamond Cascade
- Diamond Cascade
- Diamond Chance
- Diamond Desire
- Diamond Desire Deluxe
- Diamond Digger
- Diamond Discovery
- Diamond Doggies
- Diamond Duke
- Diamond Explosion 7s
- Diamond Explosion Patriots
- Diamond Explosion Sweet Love
- Diamond Fever
- Diamond Force
- Diamond Fruits
- Diamond Heaven
- Diamond Heist: Hold & Win
- Diamond Hits
- Diamond Inferno
- Diamond Joker Links
- Diamond King Gold
- Diamond King Jackpots
- Diamond Mine 2
- Diamond Mine Extra Gold
- Diamond Mine Megaways
- Diamond Miner DuoMax
- Diamond of Jungle
- Diamond Riches
- Diamond Royale
- Diamond Rush Express
- Diamond Safari
- Diamond Sands
- Diamond Stacker Multipays
- Diamond Strike
- Diamond Supreme Hold and Win
- Diamond Symphony
- Diamond Symphony Doublemax
- Diamond Vapor
- Diamond Wild
- Diamond Wins: Hold and Win
- Diamonds Of Egypt
- Diamonds Power: Hold and Win
- Dice
- Dice Bonanza
- Dice Dice Baby
- Dice Dice Dice
- Dice Million
- Die Pinata Die
- Diggin' For Diamonds
- Diner Dash Delights
- Diner Delights
- Ding Dong Christmas Bells
- Dino Odyssey
- Dino P.D.
- Dino Reels 81
- Dino Zone
- Dinopolis
- Dinosaur Empire
- Dinosaur Rage
- Dio - Killing the Dragon
- Dionysus Golden Feast
- Dirty Dawgs of Nitropolis
- Disc of Athena
- Disco Bar 7s
- Disco Danny
- Disco Dive
- Disco Lights
- Disco Mania Megaways Merge
- Dishes to Riches
- Disturbed
- Divine Diamonds
- Divine Divas
- Divine Dreams
- Divine Drop
- Divine Empress
- Divine Fortune
- Divine Fortune Megaways
- Divine Gongs
- Divine Riches Diana
- Divine Riches Helios
- Divine Ways
- Divine Wine
- DJ Cat
- DJ Fox
- DJ Psycho
- DJ Wild
- Doctor Electro
- Dog Days
- Dog Heist Shift 'N' Win
- Dog Squad
- Dog Town Deal
- Doge Life
- Doggy Riches Megaways
- Dolphin Delight
- Dolphin Hot 1
- Dolphin Riches Hold and Win
- Domnitors Treasure
- Don Bingote
- Don Quixote's Wild Adventures
- Don't Eat The Candy
- Donkey & the Goats
- Donny Dough
- Donuts
- Doom Lord
- Doom of Egypt
- Doom's Digging Machine
- Dork Unit
- Double Cash Spinner
- Double Chilli
- Double Dragons
- Double Fortune
- Double Fruit Frenzy DoubleMax
- Double Joker
- Double Joker Hold and Win
- Double Lucky Line
- Double Lucky Mushrooms
- Double Rainbow
- Double Take
- Double Tigers
- Doubleup Ducks
- Doublin Gold
- Down The Chimney
- Down the Rails
- Dr Watts Up
- Dr. Frankenstein
- Dr. Wildshock: Mad Loot Lab
- Dracula
- Dracula
- Dracula Awakening
- Dracula's Castle
- Drago - Jewels of Fortune
- Dragon 50000
- Dragon 8s 25x
- Dragon Age Hold & Win
- Dragon Blox
- Dragon Born
- Dragon Delight
- Dragon Empires Golden Age
- Dragon Fortress - Battle of the Castle
- Dragon Gold 88
- Dragon Gong
- Dragon Hatch
- Dragon Hatch 2
- Dragon Horn
- Dragon Hot Hold and Spin
- Dragon King: Legend of the Seas
- Dragon Kingdom
- Dragon Ladies
- Dragon Lair
- Dragon Legend
- Dragon Lore Gigarise
- Dragon Match Megaways
- Dragon of The Princess
- Dragon Pays
- Dragon Power Keno
- Dragon Prophecy
- Dragon Ship
- Dragon Shrine
- Dragon Slot
- Dragon Tiger Luck
- Dragon Tiger Slot
- Dragon Tribe
- Dragon Trio Bonus
- Dragon's Cache
- Dragon's Chance
- Dragon's Chest
- Dragon's Dawn
- Dragon's Domain
- Dragon's Fire
- Dragon's Fire Infinireels
- Dragon's Keep
- Dragon's Legacy
- Dragon's Loot Link&Win 4Tune
- Dragon's Luck
- Dragon's Luck Deluxe
- Dragon's Luck Power Reels
- Dragon's Mirror
- Dragon's Rhythm Link & Win
- Dragon's Tavern
- Dragon's Win Multiplier
- Dragoness
- DragonFall
- Dragonfire: Chamber of Gold Hold & Win
- Dragonheart - The Nibelung Legends
- Dragons and Magic
- Dragons Book
- Dragons Book Next
- Dragons Cluster Buster
- Dragons Luck Megaways
- Dragons Lucky 8
- Dragons Playground
- Dragons Power
- Dragons vs Gigablox
- Dragons vs Pandas
- Dragons' Awakening
- Dragonz
- Dragon’s Fire Megaways
- Dragull
- Dreadworks
- Dream Diver
- Dream Drop Diamonds
- Dreams of Macau
- Dreamy Genie
- Dreamzone
- Drive: Multiplayer Mayhem
- Drop'em
- Druid's Magic
- Druids Dream
- Drunken Sailor
- Drunken Sailors
- Dublin Up DoubleMax
- Duck King
- Duck Shooter CCS
- Ducks till Dawn
- Duel at Dawn
- Dueling Jokers Dream Drop
- Dungeon Quest
- Dungeon Tower
- Dungeons and Diamonds
- Duolito Iceman
- Duolitos Garden
- Durian Dynamite
- Dwarf & Dragon
- Dwarf Mine
- Dwarf's Fortune
- Dwarfs Gone Wild
- Dwarven Gems Megaways
- Dwarven Gold Deluxe
- Dynamite Digging Doug
- Dynamite Miner
- Dynamite Riches
- Dynamite Riches Megaways
- Dynamite Strike
- Dystopia: Rebel Road
- E
- E-Force
- Eager Beavers
- Eagle Riches
- Eagle Ridge Cashlink
- Eagle Storm
- Eagle Strike
- Eagle Strike Lucky Cache
- Eagle's Wings
- East Coast vs West Coast
- East Sea Dragon King
- Easter Eggs
- Easter Eggspedition
- Easter Island
- Easter Island 2
- Eastern Emeralds
- Eastern Emeralds Megaways
- Eastern Gold
- Eastern Gold Deluxe
- Eastern Mystery
- Easy Gold
- Ecuador Gold
- Egg Hustler
- Eggs Bonanza
- Eggsponential
- Eggz! Power Combo
- Egypt Bonus Pot
- Egypt Cash
- Egypt Clusterbuster
- Egypt King
- Egypt King 2
- Egypt King Book Hunt
- Egypt King Obelisk Quest
- Egypt Megaways
- Egypt's Book of Mystery
- Egyptian Fortunes
- Egyptian Magic
- Egyptian Moon
- Egyptian Queens
- Egyptian Sun
- Egyptian Tombs
- Einstein Eureka Moments
- Eirik the Viking
- El Andaluz
- El Cowboy Megaways
- El Diablo
- El Dorado Infinity Reels
- El Molinador
- El Paso Gold
- El Paso Gunfight xNudge
- El Patron
- El Torero
- El Vigilante
- Eldorado
- Eldritch Dungeon
- Electric Avenue
- Electric Charge
- Electric Fruit
- Electric Jungle
- Electric Rocks
- Electric SAM
- Element Charms
- Elemento
- Elements
- Elephant Stampede
- Elephants vs Tigers
- Elite of Evil - Portal of Gold
- Elixir of Wealth
- Elk Hunter
- Ellen's Fortune
- Elven Gold
- Elven Magic
- Elven Princesses
- Elvis Frog In Vegas
- Elvis Frog Trueways
- Elysian Jackpots
- Elysium Vip
- Emberfall
- Emerald Bounty 7's Hold and Win
- Emerald Diamond
- Emerald Gold
- Emerald King Rainbow Road
- Emerald's Infinity Reels
- Emoji Riches
- Emperor of India
- Emperor's Champion
- Emperor's Favour
- Emperor's Rise
- Empire Fortune
- Empire Gold Hold & Win
- Empress of the Shadows
- Enchanted Manor
- Enchanted Manor 50 Lines
- Enchanted Prince
- Enchanted Prince 2
- Enchanted Waters
- Encharmed Quattro
- Endless Summer
- Energoonz
- Energy Coins: Hold and Win
- Energy Fruits
- Energy Joker: Hold and Win
- Energy Stars
- Enter the Vault
- Epic Crystal
- Epic Dreams
- Epic Fish Adventure
- Epic Joker
- Epic Journey
- Epic Legends
- Epic Treasure
- Eric's Big Catch
- Erik the Red
- Esqueleto Explosivo
- Esqueleto Explosivo 2
- Esqueleto Explosivo 2 Reborn
- Esqueleto Explosivo 3
- Esqueleto Mariachi
- Eternal Clash
- Eternal Clash Reloaded
- Eternal Empress – Freeze Time
- Eternal Phoenix Megaways
- Euphoria
- Euphoria Megaways
- Europe Transit Bonus Buy
- Everest
- Evil Devil
- Evil Eyes
- Evil Goblins
- Excalibur
- Excalibur Unleashed
- Excalibur Vs. Gigablox
- Exciting Vikings
- Exo Planet
- Expanding Fireworks
- Expanding Joker
- Expansion of Diamonds
- Explodiac
- Explodiac RHFP
- Explosion
- Explosive Gold Blitz
- Extra 10 Liner
- Extra Juicy
- Extra Liner Jackpot
- Extra Win
- Extra Win X
- Extra Win X Pots
- Extreme 7+
- Extreme Megaways
- Eye of Cleopatra
- Eye of Dead
- Eye of Horus
- Eye of Horus Megaways
- Eye of Horus Power Spins
- Eye of Horus The Golden Tablet Megaways
- Eye of Horus: Rise of Egypt
- Eye of Nazar
- Eye of Persia 2
- Eye of the Amulet
- Eye of the Panda
- Eye of the Storm
- F
- Fa Fa Babies
- Fa Fa Babies 2
- Fabulous Piggy Bank
- Faerie Nights
- Fail Alien
- Fairground 60k
- Fairy Belle
- Fairy Dust
- Fairy Fantasy Exotic Wilds
- Fairy Gate
- Fairytale Fortune
- Fancy Fruits CCS
- Fancy Fruits GDN
- Fancy Fruits RHFP
- Fang's Inferno Dream Drop
- Fangtastic Freespins
- Fantastic Fruit
- Farming Frenzy
- Fast Fruits DoubleMax
- Fat Banker
- Fat Drac
- Fat Panda
- Fat Santa
- Fat Stacks Miami Cash
- Fate of Fortune
- Fatz's Diner
- Fear the Dark
- Feast O Fruit
- Feasting Fox
- Feather Fury
- Feeding Fury
- Feel The Beat
- Feliz Día de los Muertos
- Feng Shui Kitties
- Feng's Fortune
- Fenix Play
- Fenix Play 27
- Fenix Play 27 Deluxe
- Fenix Play Deluxe
- Festa Junina
- Festival 10K Ways
- Festival of Fortune
- Fibonacci
- Fields of Clover
- Fiery Chilli
- Fiery Slots
- Fiery Slots Cash Mesh Ultra
- Fiesta Explosiva DuoMax
- Fight of Terragon
- Find the Diamonds!
- Finn and the Candy Spin
- Finn and the Swirly Spin
- Finn's Golden Tavern
- Finnegan's Banditos
- Finnegan's Formula
- Fintastic Fishing
- Fiona's Christmas Fortune
- Fiona's Fortune
- Fire 88
- Fire and Roses Joker
- Fire and Roses Joker 2 All-In
- Fire And Roses Joker King Millions
- Fire and Roses Jolly Joker
- Fire Bird
- Fire Chariot
- Fire Chilli
- Fire Coins: Hold and Win
- Fire Eagle
- Fire Eagle Reborn
- Fire Forge
- Fire Gnomes
- Fire Hopper
- Fire in the Hole 2
- Fire Joker
- Fire Lion
- Fire of Egypt
- Fire Portals
- Fire Siege Fortress
- Fire Spell
- Fire Stampede
- Fire Strike
- Fire Temple Hold And Win
- Fire Witch
- Fireball Inferno
- Firebird 27
- Firebird 81
- Firebird Fortunes
- Firebird Spirit
- Firebolt Multi 7s Hold and Win
- Fireborn
- Firedrake's Fortune K Gamble
- Firedrake’s Fortune
- Firekick! Multimax
- Firewins Factory
- Fireworks Frenzy
- Fireworks Megaways
- First Dynasty
- Fish 'Em Up
- Fish 'n' Nudge
- Fish Party
- Fisher King
- Fisherman's Fury Bonanza
- Fishin Frenzy Megaways
- Fishin Trip
- Fishin' For Wins
- Fishin' Frenzy Big Catch Megaways
- Fishin' Frenzy Reel Time Fortune Play
- Fishin' Frenzy The Big Splash
- Fishin' Pots Of Gold
- Fishin' Pots of Gold Gold Blitz Extreme
- Fishin' The Biggest
- Fishing Cashpots
- Fishing Club
- Fishing Deeper Floats of Cash
- Fishing Fever Bass King
- Fishing Floats Connectify Pays
- Fishing Floats of Cash
- Fishing Reels Unlocked
- Fishing Trawler
- Fishline Loot Hold and Win
- Fishtastic
- Fist of Destruction
- Five Star
- Fizzy Penny Slot
- Flame Busters
- Flames Of Egypt
- Flames of Hephaestus
- Flamin' Casino
- Flaming Bombs
- Flaming Chillies
- Flaming Fox
- Flaming Frenzy
- Flaming Scarabs
- Flaming Seven
- Flaming Tiki
- Flaming Wolf Link&Win
- Flamingo Paradise
- Flappers
- Flash Freeze 2
- Flip n' Spin
- Flip Royale
- Flirting Scholar
- Floating Dragon - Dragon Boat Festival
- Floating Dragon Megaways
- Floating Dragon New Year Festival Ultra Megaways
- Florageddon
- Flower Fortunes Megaways
- Flower Fortunes Supreme
- Flowers
- Flowers: Christmas Edition
- Fluffy Favourites
- Fluffy Favourites Fairground
- Fluffy Favourites Megaways
- Fluffy Rangers
- Fluffy Too
- Flux
- Fly Cat$ Dream Drop
- FlyX
- FlyX Cash Booster
- Follow the Honey
- Folsom Prison
- Food Feast
- Football
- Football Blast
- Football Blast Hold and Win
- Football Finals X UP
- Football Glory
- Football Glory Fortune Pick
- Football Mania
- Football Mania Deluxe
- Football Mayhem
- Football Penny Roller
- Football Scratch
- Football Star
- Football Star Deluxe
- Football Superstar
- Football: 2022
- Football: Champions Cup
- Forbidden Princess
- Forbidden Throne
- Forest Fortune
- Forest Fruit Magic
- Forest Maiden
- Forever 7's
- Forever Diamonds
- Forge of Gems
- Forge of Hephaestus
- Forge of Olympus
- Forge of the Gods
- Forging Wilds
- Forgotten
- Forgotten Island Megaways
- Fort Brave
- Fortress Charge
- Fortuna Trueways
- Fortune & Finery
- Fortune Caravan
- Fortune Cats Golden Stacks
- Fortune Charm
- Fortune Dragon
- Fortune Dragon
- Fortune Dragon Queen Exotic Wilds
- Fortune Fest
- Fortune Filler Imperial Temple
- Fortune Freespins
- Fortune Gazer
- Fortune Gods
- Fortune Hit'n Roll
- Fortune House
- Fortune House Power Reels
- Fortune Llama
- Fortune Mouse
- Fortune OX
- Fortune Pike Gold
- Fortune Rabbit
- Fortune Rangers
- Fortune Reels
- Fortune Rush
- Fortune Teller's Charm
- Fortune Teller's Charm 6
- Fortunes of Aztec
- Fortunes of Ra
- Fortunes Rising
- Fortunium
- Fortunium Gold: Mega Moolah
- Forty Fruity Million
- Four Femme Fatales
- Four The Win
- Four the Win Wild
- Fox Fortunata
- Fox Tale
- Foxpot
- Foxtrot
- Frank's Farm
- Franksylvania
- Freaked Out Fish
- Freaky Friday Fixed Symbols
- Freche Fruchte
- Free Reelin Joker 1000
- Freeway 7's
- Freezing Classics
- Frequent Flyer
- Fresh Crush
- Fresh Fortune
- Fresh Fruit
- Fresh Fruits
- Freya Valhalla Queen
- Frog Grog
- FrogBlox
- Frogged Up!
- Front Runner
- Front Runner Link & Win
- Frontier Fishing
- Froot Loot 3-Reel
- Froot Loot 5-Line
- Froot Loot 9-Line
- Frost Queen Jackpots
- Frosty Gems
- Frozen Age
- Frozen Stiff
- Frozen Tropics
- Frozen Yeti
- Fruit Bar
- Fruit Blender Mania
- Fruit Blox
- Fruit Bonanza
- Fruit Duel
- Fruit Fever
- Fruit Fiesta
- Fruit Fiesta 3-Reel
- Fruit Fiesta 5-Line
- Fruit Fiesta 9-Line
- Fruit Flash
- Fruit Gemz Splitz
- Fruit Heaven Hold and Win
- Fruit Hot Bonanza
- Fruit Lines
- Fruit Lines Winter
- Fruit Love
- Fruit Mania
- Fruit Mania
- Fruit Mania Deluxe
- Fruit Mania Deluxe
- Fruit Mania GDN
- Fruit Mania RHFP
- Fruit Max Cashlinez
- Fruit Mix
- Fruit Nova
- Fruit o Rama
- Fruit Prince
- Fruit Rainbow
- Fruit Rush
- Fruit Salad
- Fruit Salad 100
- Fruit Salad 20
- Fruit Salad 3-Reel
- Fruit Salad 5-Line
- Fruit Shifter
- Fruit Shop
- Fruit Shop Frenzy
- Fruit Shop Megaways
- Fruit Shop: Christmas Edition
- Fruit Slice
- Fruit Smash
- Fruit Snap
- Fruit Spin
- Fruit Storm
- Fruit Super Nova
- Fruit Super Nova 100
- Fruit Super Nova 30
- Fruit Super Nova 40
- Fruit Super Nova 60
- Fruit Twister
- Fruit Warp
- Fruit40
- Fruitality
- Fruitastic
- Fruitinator
- Fruitinator Wild
- Fruitoids
- Fruitopia
- Fruitopolis
- Fruitrays
- Fruits
- Fruits
- Fruits & Jokers: 100 Lines
- Fruits & Jokers: 20 lines
- Fruits & Jokers: 40 Lines
- Fruits & Wilds 2
- Fruits 'n' Jars
- Fruits 20
- Fruits 6 Deluxe
- Fruits Go Bananas
- Fruits gone Wild supreme
- Fruits in Flames
- Fruits XL
- Fruity Bonanza Scatter Drops
- Fruity Burst 2
- Fruity Candy
- Fruity Diamonds - Hold & Spin
- Fruity Fruit Shake
- Fruity Fruits
- Fruity Lux
- Fruity Megaways
- Fruity Treats
- Fruletta
- Fruletta Dice
- Frutz
- Fu 88
- Fu Er Dai
- Fu Fortunes Megaways
- Fugly Pets
- Full Moon Fever
- Full Moon Madness
- Full Moon Romance
- Fulong 88
- Funk Master
- Funky Buddha
- Furs Gone Wild
- Fury of Hyde Megaways
- Fury of Odin Megaways
- Fussball
- Futebol Fever
- G
- Galactic Girls
- Galactic Invaders
- Galactic Racers Dream Drop
- Gallantry
- Gallo Gold Bruno's Megaways
- Gamblelicious Hold and Win
- Game of Gladiators
- Ganesha Fortune
- Ganesha Gold
- GangStar
- Gate of Gods
- Gates of Asgard Power Combo
- Gates of Babylon
- Gates of Etherea
- Gates of Olympus Xmas 1000
- Gates of Persia
- Gates of Thunder
- Gator Gold Deluxe Gigablox
- Gator Gold Gigablox
- Gaze of Gold: Mega Hold & Win
- Gears of Eternia Dream Drop
- Gears of Horus
- Geisha
- Gelee Royal
- Gem Blast
- Gem Brillante
- Gem Crush
- Gem Elevator
- Gem Fire
- Gem Fire Frenzy
- Gem Pops
- Gem Queen
- Gem Rocks
- Gem Rush
- Gem Saviour
- Gem Saviour Conquest
- Gem Saviour Sword
- Gem Splitter
- Gem Temple
- Gemhalla
- Gemix
- Gemix 100
- Gemix 2
- Gems & Stones
- Gems Gone Wild
- Gems Gone Wild Power Reels
- Gems Inferno Megaways
- Gems Infinity Reels
- Gems of Egypt - Queen of Alexandria
- Gems of the Nile
- Gems Rampage
- Gemstone Guardians
- Gemstone Mine
- Gemza
- Generous Jack
- Genie Jackpots Big Spin Frenzy
- Genie Jackpots Megaways
- Genie Jackpots Wishmaker
- Genie Nights
- Genie's 3 Wishes
- Genie's Arabian Riches
- Genie's Link & Win 4 Tune
- Genie's Touch
- Genie's Wonderlamp
- Genies Secret
- Genies Secret Feature Buy
- George's Gold
- Gerard's Gambit
- Get The Cheese
- Get The Gold Infinireels
- Getaway Gangsters
- Ghost Father
- Ghost Glyph
- Ghost Huntin'
- Ghost Pirates
- Ghost Slider
- Ghost Slider 2024
- Giant King
- Giant Mammoth
- Giant Panda
- Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
- Giant's Fortune Megaways
- Gift Hunter
- Gift Rush
- Gift Shop
- Gifts of Fortune
- Gifts of Horus
- Gifts of Ostara
- Giga Blast
- Giga Jar
- Giga Match Sugar Skull
- GigaGong GigaBlox
- Giganimals Gigablox
- Gimme Gold Megaways
- Gimme the Honey Megaways
- Girl with the Golden Eyes
- Girls With Guns - Jungle Heat
- Giza Infinity Reels
- Giza Nights: Hold and Win
- Gladiator Arena
- Gladiator Clash
- Gladiator Legends
- Gladiator Spoils of Victory
- Gladiator Ways
- Gladiatoro
- Gladiators
- Gladiators Go Wild
- Glamorous Times
- Glory Of Egypt
- Gluttony
- Glücks Joker
- Gnomes & Giants
- Go Bananas
- Go Bananza
- Go Fish
- Go High Fruit
- Go High Gallina
- Go High Gone Fishing
- Go High Harvest
- Go High Olympus
- Go High Panda
- Go! Fishing: Reelin' Fortunes
- Goal Blitz
- Goal Strike Rising Rewards
- Goat Getter
- Goblin's Bargain Multimax
- Goblins & Gemstones
- Goblins and Gemstones: Hit'n'Roll
- God Hand
- God of Fire
- God of Wealth
- God Of Wealth Hold And Win
- God Smash: Eternal Chaos
- Goddess of the Night Bonus Buy
- Goddess Of War
- Gods & Pyramids Power Combo
- Gods Of Asgard Megaways
- Gods of Death
- Gods of Glory
- Gods Of Gold
- Gods of Olympus II
- Gods of Olympus III Megaways
- Gods of Olympus IV
- Gods of Power
- Gods of Rock
- Gods of Rock Reborn
- Gods of Seas: Triton's Fortune
- Gods of Secrecy
- Gods of Troy
- Gods VS Gigablox
- Going Wild in Vegas Wild Fight
- Gold Blitz
- Gold Blitz Extreme
- Gold Bonanza
- Gold Boom
- Gold Cash Big Spins
- Gold Cash Free Spins
- Gold Cash Freespins Megaways
- Gold Chain
- Gold Cherry
- Gold Collector
- Gold Collector: Diamond Edition
- Gold Creek Superpays
- Gold Cup Free Spin
- Gold Cup Power Spins
- Gold Digger
- Gold Digger Megaways
- Gold Factory
- Gold Factory Jackpots Mega Moolah
- Gold Fever
- Gold Fishy Free Spins
- Gold Frontier Jackpots
- Gold Fusion
- Gold Gold Gold
- Gold Gold Gold - Lion’s Way
- Gold Gold Gold - Miner’s Way
- Gold Gold Gold 5000
- Gold Horsey Winner
- Gold Hunter
- Gold King
- Gold Lab
- GOLD Megaways
- Gold Metal Ox
- Gold Mine Mistress
- Gold Mine Stacks
- Gold n Rocks
- Gold O Clock
- Gold Oasis
- Gold of Fortune God
- Gold of Sirens
- Gold Of Sirens Bonus Buy
- Gold Rush
- Gold Rush Express
- Gold Rush Riches
- Gold Saloon Superpot
- Gold Smash
- Gold Star
- Gold Strike
- Gold Strike 2
- Gold Strike Bonanza Fortune Play
- Gold Tracker 7s
- Gold Train
- Gold Trophy 2
- Gold Vein
- Goldaur Guardians
- GoldBeaver
- Goldbird
- Golden Avalanche
- Golden Bear Mountain
- Golden Brew
- Golden Buffalo Double Up
- Golden Calaveras
- Golden Caravan
- Golden Castle
- Golden Catch
- Golden Chance
- Golden China
- Golden Colts
- Golden Cryptex
- Golden Donkey XMAS
- Golden Dragon Wealth
- Golden Easter
- Golden Egg of Crazy Chicken
- Golden Egg of Crazy Chicken CCS
- Golden Egg of T-Rex
- Golden Elixir
- Golden Engines
- Golden Eve
- Golden Fields
- Golden Fish Tank
- Golden Fish Tank 2 Gigablox
- Golden Forge
- Golden Gal's
- Golden Gal's Cash Towers
- Golden Gallina
- Golden Gate
- Golden Genie
- Golden Girls
- Golden Glyph
- Golden Glyph 2
- Golden Glyph 3
- Golden Goal
- Golden Gods
- Golden Goose
- Golden Goose Megaways
- Golden Gorgon
- Golden Grimoire
- Golden Halloween Winner
- Golden Haul Infinity Reels
- Golden Hook
- Golden Jokers Double Up
- Golden Jokers Wild
- Golden Kegs 50k
- Golden Lamp
- Golden Legend
- Golden Leprechaun MEGAWAYS
- Golden Lotus
- Golden Lucky Pigs
- Golden New World
- Golden Offer
- Golden Ox
- Golden Pride
- Golden Profits
- Golden Realms
- Golden Reindeer
- Golden Rings
- Golden Road
- Golden Scrolls
- Golden Shisa
- Golden Sphinx
- Golden Strawberries
- Golden Suns Chain Collect
- Golden Temple
- Golden Ticket
- Golden Ticket
- Golden Tiger: Jackpot Fortunes
- Golden Touch
- Golden Treasures
- Golden Tsar
- Golden Wheels of Egypt
- Golden Winner
- Goldfire 7s
- Goldilocks
- Golem Wildwoods
- Golfing Glory
- Gone to the Dogs
- Gonzita's Quest
- Gonzo's Gold
- Gonzo's Quest
- Gonzo's Quest Megaways
- Good Luck & Good Fortune
- Good Luck 40
- Good Luck Clusterbuster
- Good Old 7's
- Gorilla Gold Megaways
- Gorilla Kingdom
- Grab A Bite
- Grand Express Fiesta
- Grand Express: Action Class
- Grand Express: Diamond Class
- Grand Gems
- Grand Heist
- Grand Heist Feature Buy
- Grand Link Express Hold and Win
- Grand Mariachi
- Grand Melee
- Grand Spinn Superpot
- Grand Wheel
- Granny VS. Zombies
- Graveyard Gang
- Gravity Bonanza
- Great Aztec
- Great Book of Magic
- Great Book of Magic Deluxe
- Great Gold
- Great Rhino
- Great Rhino Deluxe
- Great Warrior
- Greedy Fox
- Greedy Wolf
- Greek Gods
- Greek Legends
- Green Slot
- Greta Goes Wild
- Griffin's Quest K Gamble
- Griffin's Quest X-mas Edition
- Griffin’s Quest
- Grim Muerto
- Grim Reaper Supermatch
- Grim The Splitter Dream Drop
- Gritty Kitty of Nitropolis
- Grizzly
- Grizzly Strike
- Gronk's Gems
- Guardian of Athens
- Guardian of Prosperity
- Guardians of Fortune
- Guardians of Ice & Fire
- Guardians of Luxor
- Guardians of Luxor 2
- Gummy Galaxy
- Gummy Giga Match
- Gunpowder
- Guns N' Roses
- Gunslinger Legends: Bounty Hunter
- Gunslinger Legends: ShootOut
- Gunspinner
- Gus Goes Fishin'
- H
- Hades Gigablox
- Hades Lost Treasures
- Hades: River of Souls Bonus Buy
- Hall of Gods
- Hall of the Mountain King
- Halloween Bonanza
- Halloween Cashpots
- Halloween Horrors Megaways
- Halloween Jack
- Halloween Luck
- Halloween Wins
- Halloween Wins 2
- Hammer Gods
- Hammer of Gods
- Hammer of Vulcan
- Hand of Anubis
- Hand of Midas 2
- Hansel & Gretel Candyhouse
- Hansel and Gretel
- Hanzo's Dojo
- Happy Apples
- Happy Fortune Dragon
- Happy Halloween
- Happy Honey
- Happy Lucky
- Happy Riches
- Hard Cash
- HarleCoin
- Harlequin Carnival
- Harvest Wilds
- Hatching Gold! Rooster's Riches
- Haunted Hospital
- Haunted Joker Hold and Win
- Haunted Reels
- Hawaiian Diva
- Hawaiian Dream Jackpot
- Hawaiian Tiki
- Hazakura Ways
- He He Yang
- Heart of Cleopatra
- Heart of Earth
- Heart of Earth Deluxe
- Heart of Rio
- Heartburst
- Hearts Highway
- Heaven Mania
- Heavenly Gold
- Heavy Anchor
- Heidi at Oktoberfest
- Heimdall's Gate
- Heimdall's Gate Cash Quest
- Heist for the Golden Nuggets
- Heist Stakes
- HelioPOPolis
- Helios' Fury
- Hell Chef
- Hell Hot 100
- Hell Hot 100 Dice
- Hell Hot 20
- Hell Hot 20 Dice
- Hell Hot 40
- Hell Hot 40 Dice
- Hell of a Spin
- Hell's Hogs
- Hell's Hogs 2 Squealin' Wheels
- Hell's Kitchen
- Hellapeños
- Hellcatraz
- Hellcatraz 2 Dream Drop
- Hellfire
- Hellish 777
- Hellish Seven 100
- Hellish Seven Multi 100
- Hellish Seven Respin
- Hellvis Wild
- Hen Heist: Hold & Win
- Hercules 10K ways
- Hercules and Pegasus
- Hercules Son of Zeus
- Hercules Unleashed Dream Drop
- Hercules: Do or Die
- Here Comes Summer
- Here Kitty Kitty
- Hermes Bonanza
- Hero Clash
- Heroes Hunt
- Heroes Hunt 2
- Heroes' Gathering
- Heroic Spins
- Heros Quest
- Hex
- Hidden
- Hidden Egypt DoubleMax
- Hidden Treasures of Rome
- Hidden Valley
- High Roller Bonanza
- High Society
- High Street Heist
- Higher Forces
- Highland Reels
- Highschool Manga
- Highway To Hell
- Highway to Hell Deluxe
- Highway to Win
- Highwayman Gold: Hold & Win
- Hillbilly Vegas
- Himalayan Wild
- Hip Hop Panda
- HipHopPop
- Hippo Pop
- Hit it Big
- Ho Ho HODL
- Ho Ho Tower
- Hoard Of Poseidon
- Hockey Fever Penny Roller
- Hola Frutas
- Hold & Spin Multiplier Rush
- Hold The Safe
- Holiday Season
- Holla die Waldfee
- Holly Jolly Bonanza
- Holly Jolly Bonanza 2
- Holly Jolly Cash Pig
- Holmes and Moriarty
- Holmes and the Stolen Stones
- Holmes: Reel Detective
- Holy Diver
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Holy Heist
- Home Run Deluxe
- Honey Honey Honey
- Honey Hunters
- Honey Rush
- Honey Trap of Diao Chan
- Hong Bao
- Hong Kong Tower
- Hood vs Wolf
- Hook 'Em Up Frenzy
- Hook, Line and Poker
- Hooked
- Hooks Heroes
- Hoop Kings
- Hop'n'Pop
- Horizon Hunters
- Horror Hotel
- Horror House
- Horsemen
- Hot & Win
- Hot 4 Cash
- Hot 7 Hold and Spin
- Hot and Heavy
- Hot Bonus Joker
- Hot Chilli
- Hot Chilli Fest
- Hot Chilliways
- Hot Classic
- Hot Coins: Hold and Win
- Hot Dragon
- Hot Fiesta
- Hot Flame
- Hot Forties
- Hot Fruits Deluxe
- Hot Harvest
- Hot Hot Balloons
- Hot Hot Chilli Pot
- Hot Hot Honey
- Hot Joker
- Hot Joker 4 Ways
- Hot Joker Fruits
- Hot Joker Fruits 20
- Hot Joker Fruits Stacks
- Hot Joker Fruits: Hold & Win
- Hot Joker Fruits: Scatter Pays
- Hot Nudge
- Hot Party
- Hot Party Deluxe
- Hot Potato
- Hot Puzzle
- Hot Rio Nights
- Hot Rio Nights Bonus Buy
- Hot Rod Racers
- Hot Safari
- Hot Shots 2
- Hot Shots Megaways
- Hot Shots: Mines
- Hot Slot 777 Cash Out Easter
- Hot Slot: 777 Cash Out Extremely Light
- Hot Slot: 777 Cash Out Grand Diamond Edition
- Hot Slot: 777 Cash Out Grand Gold Edition
- Hot Slot: 777 Cash Out Grand Platinum Edition
- Hot Slot: 777 Coins
- Hot Slot: 777 Coins Extremely Light
- Hot Slot: 777 Crown
- Hot Slot: 777 Crown Extremely Light
- Hot Slot: 777 Rubies Extremely Light
- Hot Slot: 777 Stars
- Hot Slot: 777 Stars Extremely Light
- Hot Slot: Magic Bombs
- Hot Slot: Magic Pearls
- Hot Slot: Mystery Jackpot Joker
- Hot Slot™: 777 Cash Out xMas Edition
- Hot Spin
- Hot Spin Deluxe
- Hot Spin Hot Link
- Hot Spin Megaways
- Hot Sunrise
- Hot Sync
- Hot To Burn
- Hot to Burn - 7 Deadly Free Spins
- Hot to Burn Hold and Spin
- Hot to Burn Multiplier
- Hot Triple Sevens
- Hot Triple Sevens Special
- Hot Turkey
- Hot Volcano
- Hot Zone Wild
- Hotline
- Hotline 2
- Hotpot
- Hottest 666
- House of Doom
- House of Spins
- Howl At The Moon
- Howling For Gold
- Howling Wolves
- Howling Wolves Megaways
- Hugo
- Hugo 2
- Hugo Goal
- Hula Balua
- Hungry Shark
- Hunters Moon Gigablox
- Huntress: Wild Vengeance
- Hustling
- Hyper Blitz Hold and Win
- Hyper Gold All In
- Hyper Respins
- Hyper Star
- Hyper Strike Cash Megaways
- Hyper Strike Hyperspins
- Hyper Strike King Millions
- Hyperburst
- Hypernova 10K Ways
- Hypernova Infinity Reels
- Hypernova Infinity Reels Dream Drop
- Hypernova Megaways
- Hypernova Radial Reels
- Höllische Sieben
- Höllische Sieben Deluxe
- I
- I Hate Fairytales
- Ice Ice Yeti
- Ice Lobster
- Ice Mania
- Ice Wolf
- Ignite the Night
- Illusions 2
- Immortal Desire
- Immortal Empress
- Immortal Fruits
- Immortal Glory
- Immortal Romance II
- Immortal Romance Mega Moolah
- Immortal Romance Video Bingo
- Immortal Ways Buffalo
- Immortal Ways Buffalo SE
- Immortal Ways Champions
- Immortal Ways Diamonds
- Immortal Ways Lady Moon
- Immortal Ways Luva
- Immortal Ways Piñata
- Immortal Ways Spooktacular
- Immortal Ways Sweet Coin
- Immortal Ways: 88 Charms
- Imperial Fruits: 100 Lines
- Imperial Fruits: 5 Lines
- Imperial Opera
- Imperial Palace
- Imperial Riches
- In Jazz
- In The Bullseye
- In The Forest
- In the Rabbit Hole
- Inca Gems
- Inca Idols
- Incinerator
- Indi
- Infectious 5 xWays
- Infective Wild
- Inferno Fortune
- Inferno Fortunes: Rising Rewards
- Infinity Battle
- Infinity Hero
- Infinity Tower
- Ingots of Cai Shen
- Inner Fire
- Inner Fire Bonus Buy
- Instant Bingo
- Into the Wild
- Invading Vegas
- Invading Vegas: Las Christmas
- Io
- Irish Gold
- Irish Love
- Irish Luck
- Irish Pot Luck
- Irish Prizes
- Irish Weekend
- Iron County Outlaw
- Isis
- Itero
- It´s Time!!
- Ivan and the Immortal King
- Ivanhoe
- J
- J Mania Diamonds
- J Mania Golden Eggs
- J Mania Turkey Chef
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Jack and the Beanstalk Remastered
- Jack Frost's Winter
- Jack Hammer
- Jack Hammer 2
- Jack Hammer 3
- Jack In A Pot
- Jack on Hold
- Jack Potter & The Book of Football
- Jack Potter & The Book of Teos
- Jack Potter and The Book of Dynasties with Buy Feature
- Jack's Ride
- Jackbox Multi
- Jackbox Pearl Upgrade
- Jackpot Builders
- Jackpot Express
- Jackpot Heist: Daylight Robbery!
- Jackpot Hunter
- Jackpot Raiders
- Jackpot6000
- Jade Blade
- Jade Butterfly
- Jade Charms
- Jade Coins
- Jade Magician
- Jade Princess
- Jade Shuriken
- Jagr's Super Slots
- Jaguar Drop
- Jaguar Gold
- Jaguar Super Ways
- Jaguar Temple
- Jam Bonanza Hold & Win
- Jamboree Fun
- James Gold and the Mummy Riches
- Jammin' Jars 2
- Jane Hunter and the Mask of Montezuma
- Jawbreaker
- Jawsome Pirates
- Jazmin's Wild Ways Super Stretch
- Jazz Spin
- Jeff&Scully
- Jekyllz Wild Ultranudge
- Jelly Belly Megaways
- Jelly Hunter
- Jelly Reels
- Jelly Slice
- Jellycious DoubleMax
- Jester's Book of Gold
- Jester's Vegas Experience
- Jesters Joy
- Jesters Riches
- Jesters Wilds
- Jet Lucky 2
- Jetsetter
- Jewel Box
- Jewel Race Sakura
- Jewel Rush
- Jewel Scarabs
- Jewelry Cats
- Jewels of Jupiter
- Jewels of Prosperity
- Jewels World
- Jiggly Cash
- Jimi Hendrix
- Jin Chan Cash
- Jin Chan’s Pond of Riches
- Jin Dynasty
- Jingle Balls
- Jingle Bells
- Jingle Bells Bonanza
- Jingle Bells Power Reels
- Jingle Coins: Hold and Win
- Jingle Spin
- Jingle Ways Megaways
- Joe Exotic
- Jogo do Bicho
- Jogo do Bicho Bingo
- John Hunter and the Aztec Treasure
- John Hunter and the Mayan Gods
- Johnan Legendarian
- Joker & the Thief 2
- Joker & The Thief Super Slice
- Joker 3600
- Joker 5
- Joker Bombs
- Joker Bonanza Cash Spree
- Joker Burst Frenzy
- Joker Burst Frenzy Mega Moolah
- Joker Classic
- Joker Dice
- Joker Drop
- Joker Expand: 5 Lines
- Joker Explosion
- Joker Fire Frenzy
- Joker Flip
- Joker Fortune Blitz
- Joker Fortune Blitz 2
- Joker Fruit Frenzy
- Joker Gems
- Joker Goes Wild
- Joker Gold 7s
- Joker Hit 'n Goal
- Joker Hunt
- Joker Ice Frenzy Epic Strike
- Joker Jackpots: Prize Mania
- Joker King
- Joker Lanterns
- Joker Lanterns Hit 'n Roll
- Joker Lanterns Hold and Win
- Joker Leprechauns
- Joker Leprechauns Hit 'n' Roll
- Joker Leprechauns Hold and Win
- Joker Loko's Multiplier Trail
- Joker Max
- Joker Max Hit 'n' Roll Xmas Edition
- Joker Max K Gamble
- Joker Max: Hit'n'Roll
- Joker Megaways
- Joker Millions
- Joker Multi Win
- Joker Pro
- Joker Queen
- Joker Ra
- Joker Ra Dice
- Joker Ra: Sunrise
- Joker Rainbows
- Joker Spark 7s
- Joker Spin
- Joker Split
- Joker Stoker
- Joker Strike
- Joker Super Reels
- Joker Supreme
- Joker Supreme X-mas Edition
- Joker Times
- Joker Times Xmas Edition
- Joker Troupe
- Joker Wild Blaster
- Joker Wild Respin
- Joker's Jewels Hot
- Joker's Jewels Wild
- Joker's Luck
- Joker's Luck Deluxe
- Joker's Pyromania
- Joker's Wild Crown
- Jokers Wacky Wilds
- Jokrz Wild UltraNudge
- Jokrz Wild Ultranudge Gigablox
- Jolly Leprechaun
- Jolly Queen
- Jolly Treasures
- Jolly Wild
- Jolly's Cap Power Spins
- Journey of the Gods
- Journey to Chaos
- Journey to Paris
- Journey to the Wealth
- Journey to the West
- Joyful Joker Megaways
- Judge & Jury Megaways
- Judgement Day Megaways
- Juiced DuoMax
- Juiced Fruits
- Juicy 7
- Juicy Fruits Multihold
- Juicy Gems
- Juicy Gems Bonus Buy
- Juicy Gold 100
- Juicy Joker Mega Moolah
- Juicy Reels
- Juicy Stacks
- Jumanji
- Jumbo Jellies
- Jumpin' Jacks
- Jumping Fruits
- Jungle Books
- Jungle Break
- Jungle Delight
- Jungle Falls
- Jungle Fortune
- Jungle Gorilla
- Jungle Jaguar Deluxe
- Jungle Jim and the Lost Sphinx
- Jungle Jim: El Dorado
- Jungle Spirit Megaways
- Jungle Spirit: Call of the Wild
- Junkyard Kings
- Jurassic Giants
- Jurassic Park Remastered
- Jurassic Park: Gold
- Jurassic Party
- Jurassic World
- Jurassic World: Raptor Riches
- K
- Kaiju
- Kaiser
- Kamchatka
- Kangaroo King
- Karen Maneater
- Karthago
- Katie Combs – Riches of the Lost City
- Katmandu Gold
- Kawaii Princess
- KD: Sushi Mania
- Keep 'em Cool
- Keep'Em
- Kelly's Magic 7's
- Kenneth Must Die
- Keops Wild
- Key of the Nile
- Khan's Wild Quest
- Kim's Wild Journey
- King & Queen
- King Arthur 10K Ways
- King Carrot
- King Cobra
- King Colossus
- King in Red
- King Kong Cash
- King Kong Cash DJ Prime8
- King Kong Cash Even Bigger Bananas
- King Kong Cash Even Bigger Bananas 2
- King Kong Cash Full House
- King Kong Cashpots
- King of Alexandria Mega Moolah
- King of Cats
- King of Ghosts
- King of Slots
- King of Sun
- King of The Jungle
- King of The Jungle GDN
- King of The Jungle RHFP
- King of the Party
- King of the Pharaohs
- King Shamrock
- King Solomon Mines
- King's Mask Eclipse of Gods
- Kingdom Below
- Kingdom of Cash
- Kingdom of the Dead
- Kingfisher
- Kingfisher Rising
- Kingfisher Winterborn
- Kingmaker
- Kingmaker Fully Loaded
- Kings & Jewels
- Kings of Cash
- Kings of Crystals
- Kings of Crystals II Power Combo
- Kings of Gold
- Kings Vault
- Kiss Me Clover
- Kiss my Chainsaw
- Kitty Café
- Kluster Krystals
- Knight Hot Spotz
- Knight Rider
- Knights
- Knights of Alturia
- Knights of Avalon
- Knights of Fortune
- Knights Shield Link&Win 4Tune
- Knockout Diamonds
- Kochbuch
- Kodiak Kingdom
- Koi Kingdom
- Koi Princess
- Kong Wonder Wilds
- Kraken's Hunger
- Kraken's Lair
- Krazy Kong
- L
- La Dolce Vita Deluxe
- La Dolce Vita GDN
- La Dolce Vita RHFP
- La Fiesta
- Lady Charm Bug
- Lady Earth
- Lady Fortuna
- Lady Godiva
- Lady Lava
- Lady Luxe Joker
- Lady Merlin
- Lady Merlin MultiMax
- Lady of Fortune Remastered
- Lady Phoenix
- Lady Wolf Moon Megaways
- Lake's Five
- Lamp Of Infinity
- Land of the Free
- Lanterns & Lions: Hold & Win
- Lara Croft: Temples and Tombs
- Lara Jones is Cleopatra
- Lara Jones is Cleopatra 2
- Larry the Leprechaun
- Laser Fruit
- Last Chance Saloon
- Late-Night Win
- Lava Lava
- Lava Lions
- Lava Loca
- Law Of Gilgamesh
- Le Bandit
- Le Pharaoh
- Legacy of Athena
- Legacy of Dead
- Legacy of Dynasties
- Legacy of Egypt
- Legacy of Ra Megaways
- Legacy of The Gods Megaways
- Legacy of Tombs
- Legacy Retro Roller
- Legend Of Athena
- Legend of Cleopatra
- Legend of Dragon Wins DoubleMax
- Legend of Hou Yi
- Legend of Loki
- Legend of Perseus
- Legend of Senteng
- Legend Of The Five Ninjas
- Legend of the Four Beasts
- Legend of the Golden Monkey
- Legend of the Sword
- Legend's Luck
- Legendary Battle of the Nian
- Legendary Diamonds
- Legendary Excalibur
- Legendary Sumo
- Legendary Treasures
- Legends of the Colosseum
- Legends: Battle for Earth
- Legion Gold and the Sphinx of Dead
- Legion Gold Unleashed
- Legion Hot 1
- Legion X
- Legions of Sparta
- Leokan
- Leprechaun Carol
- Leprechaun Charms
- Leprechaun Charms Hold & Win
- Leprechaun Goes to Hell
- Leprechaun Heist
- Leprechaun Hills
- Leprechaun Joy
- Leprechaun Links
- Leprechaun Respin
- Leprechaun Riches
- Leprechaun Song
- Leprechaun Strike
- Leprechaun's Loot
- Leprechaun's Luck Emporium
- Leprechaun's Lucky Barrel
- Leprechaun's Lucky Charms
- Leprechaun's Magic
- Leprechaun's Magic Megaways
- Let It Burn
- Let It Snow
- Let it Spin
- Let's Get Ready To Rumble
- Levelled Up
- Liberty Bells
- Liberty Multiplier Retro Roller
- Lifeblood
- Light Blocks
- Light In The Dark
- Light Of Ra
- Lightning Blitz: Chain Collect
- Lightning Blitz: Supercharged
- Lightning Clovers - Hit the Bonus
- Lightning Fortune
- Lightning Joker
- Lightning Seven Power Spins
- Lightning Spell
- Lightning Strike Megaways
- Lightning Viking
- Lights
- Lights of Xia
- Lights, Camera, Cash!
- Lilith’s Inferno
- Limerick Lightning
- Line Busters Dream Drop
- Links of Fire
- Links of Flame
- Links of Ra
- Links of Ra II
- Lion Dance
- Lion Gold
- Lion's Riches
- Lion's Riches Deluxe
- Lions Gigablox
- Little Bighorn
- Little Panda
- Little Panda Dice
- Lobster Bob's Crazy Crab Shack
- Lobster Bob's Sea Food and Win It
- Lobster Hotpot
- Lobster Hotpot 2: Even Hotter
- Lock and Key
- Lock And Pop
- Locktoberfest
- Loco Habanero
- Loco the Monkey
- Loki Lord of Mischief
- Loki's Riches
- Lollicat
- Lollipop
- Lollipop Drop Multimax
- London Tube
- Loner
- Long Pao
- Longmu & The Dragons
- Looney Pop
- Loot Boost
- Lord of the Dunes
- Lord of The Seas
- Lord Venom
- Lorelei's Pearls
- Los Muertos
- Lost City of the Djinn
- Lost Island
- Lost Relics
- Lost Relics 2
- Lost Riches of El Dorado
- Lost Treasure
- Lost Treasure of Tortuga
- Lost World
- Lothar Matthäus - Be a Winner
- Lotus Dynasty
- Lotus Warrior
- Love is in the Fair
- Lucha Maniacs
- Luchadora
- Luchamigos
- Luck and Magic
- Luck O' The Irish Fortune Spins
- Luck O' The Irish Gold Spins
- Luck of the Devil: Power Combo
- Luck of the Dragon
- Luck of the Irish Big Bonus
- Luck Of The Irish Mystery Ways
- Luck Rush Express
- Lucky 6 Roulette
- Lucky 77
- Lucky 8 Merge Up
- Lucky 9
- Lucky Adam
- Lucky Angler
- Lucky Buddha
- Lucky Cauldron
- Lucky Christmas
- Lucky Clover Lady
- Lucky Cloverland
- Lucky Cloverland Dice
- Lucky Clucks
- Lucky Clucks 2: Rooster Respins
- Lucky Diamonds
- Lucky Dice 1
- Lucky Dice 2
- Lucky Dice 3
- Lucky Dragon MultiDice X
- Lucky Dragons
- Lucky Easter
- Lucky Farm Bonanza
- Lucky Fish
- Lucky Fish Finder
- Lucky Fisherman
- Lucky Fortune
- Lucky Fortune Cat
- Lucky Fortune Door
- Lucky Fruit Wheel
- Lucky Gems
- Lucky Halloween
- Lucky Jimmy
- Lucky Ladys Clover
- Lucky Lands
- Lucky Larry's Lobstermania
- Lucky Lemons
- Lucky Leprechaun
- Lucky Leprechaun Clusters
- Lucky Lion
- Lucky Lions Wild Life
- Lucky Little Devil
- Lucky Little Gods
- Lucky Lucifer
- Lucky McGee & The Rainbow Treasure
- Lucky McGee's SuperSlice Swirl
- Lucky Mermaid
- Lucky Money
- Lucky Multifruit
- Lucky Mushrooms Deluxe
- Lucky Neko
- Lucky Neko
- Lucky New Year
- Lucky Nuggets Megaways
- Lucky O'Miner
- Lucky Oasis
- Lucky Oktoberfest
- Lucky Pharaoh
- Lucky Piggy
- Lucky Queen
- Lucky Rabbit Fortunes
- Lucky Reels
- Lucky Riches: Hyperspins
- Lucky Rumble
- Lucky Rumble Power Surge
- Lucky Scarabs
- Lucky Seven Spin
- Lucky Shot
- Lucky Streak 1
- Lucky Streak 2
- Lucky Streak 27
- Lucky Streak 3
- Lucky Streak X
- Lucky Symbols
- Lucky Ticket 81
- Lucky Tropics
- Lucky Twins
- Lucky Twins 5X 4Tune Reels
- Lucky Twins Link & Win
- Lucky Valentine
- Lucky Vault
- Lucky Wealth Cat
- Lucky Wizard
- Lucky Yuanbao
- Luckys Fish and Chips
- Lucy Luck and the Crimson Diamond
- Lucy Luck and the Temple of Mysteries
- Luke E. Chance And the Book of Luck
- Luke E. Chance and the Inca Sun God
- Lumber Jack
- Lure of Fortune
- M
- Maaax Diamonds
- Maaax Diamonds Deluxe
- Maaax Diamonds GDN
- Macarons
- Macau Beauties
- Macau High Roller
- Machina Prize Match
- Mad Buffalo
- Mad Cabs
- Mad Cars
- Mad Hit Bearhaus
- Mad Hit Hidden Cities
- Mad Hit Marlin Bonanza
- Mad Hit Oasis
- Mad Hit Supernova
- Mad Hit Wild Alice
- Mad Joker Super Slice Zones
- Mad Melons Chaos Reels
- Mad Men
- Mad Scientist
- Madam Lucky
- Madame Destiny
- Madame Luck
- Madame of Mystique Manor
- Mae Do Ouro: Golden Spirit
- Mafia Clash
- Mafia Gold
- Magawa vs Mines
- Magic Book 6
- Magic Coin Slots
- Magic Crystals
- Magic Fruits
- Magic Fruits 27
- Magic Fruits 4
- Magic Fruits 4 Deluxe
- Magic Fruits 81
- Magic Fruits Deluxe
- Magic Gate
- Magic Hot
- Magic Hot 4
- Magic Hot 4 Deluxe
- Magic Hunter
- Magic Jokers
- Magic Journey
- Magic Lab
- Magic Maid Cafe
- Magic Monk Rasputin
- Magic Of The Ring
- Magic Of The Ring Deluxe
- Magic of Venice
- Magic Piggy
- Magic Portals
- Magic Powers Megaways
- Magic Queens
- Magic Spins Love the Jackpot
- Magic Spins Xmas
- Magic Stars
- Magic Stars 3
- Magic Stars 5
- Magic Stars 6
- Magic Stars 9
- Magic Stone
- Magic Target
- Magic Target Deluxe
- Magic Treasure Tree
- Magic Tricks
- Magic Wilds
- Magical Reels
- Magicious
- Magikspell
- Magnetic Wild
- Magnificent Power Apollo
- Magnificent Power Bastet
- Magnificent Power Wolf Fire Spirit
- Magnificent Power Zeus
- Magnum Opus
- Mahjong 88
- Mahjong Jinpai
- Mahjong Ways
- Mahjong Ways 2
- Majestic Fury Megaways
- Majestic Gold Megaways
- Majestic Megaways
- Majestic Megaways Extreme 4
- Majestic Mysteries Power Reels
- Majestic Safari
- Mamacita
- Mammoth Chase
- Mammoth Chase Easter Edition
- Mammoth Gold
- Mammoth Kingdom
- Mammoth Tundra
- Man vs. Gator
- Maneki 88 Fortunes
- Manhattan Goes Wild
- Manimals
- Mansa Musa's Golden Journey
- Maradona
- Marching Legions
- Marlin Catch
- Masks of Fortune Megaways
- Masks of Medusa
- Masquerade
- Massive Gold
- Massive Luck
- Master Chen's Fortune
- Master Joker
- Master of Books
- Master of Books Unlimited
- Master of Fortune
- Masters Of Olympus
- Masters Of Valhalla
- Mata Hari: The Spy
- Matsuri
- Maui Millions
- Maui Mischief
- Maverick X
- Max Chance and the Safari Secrets
- Max Dangerous and the Lost Relics
- Max Megaways
- Max Megaways 2
- Max the Winner
- Max Voltage
- Max Win W.P.D.
- Maximator
- Maya
- Maya Millions
- Mayan Blaze
- Mayan Cache
- Mayan Dice
- Mayan Gods
- Mayan Magic
- Mayan Multi Mayhem
- Mayan Power
- Mayan Ritual
- Mayan Rush
- Mayan Stackways
- Mayan Temple Riches
- Mayan Waterfalls
- Mayan Wild Mystery
- Mayana
- Mayhem
- Maze Escape Megaways
- Medallion Megaways
- Medieval Mania
- Medusa
- Medusa Hot 1
- Medusa II
- Medusa Money
- Medusa's Stone
- Medusas Lair
- Mega Bars: Find The Lady
- Mega Bear
- Mega Cash Stacks
- Mega Cube
- Mega Diamonds Jackpot
- Mega Don: Feeding Frenzy
- Mega Dragon
- Mega Flip
- Mega Fortune
- Mega Gorilla
- Mega Greatest Catch
- Mega Heist
- Mega Jade
- Mega Joker
- Mega Magic Lamps
- Mega Magic Spell
- Mega Masks
- Mega Mine
- Mega Money Machine
- Mega Money Wheel - VIP Black
- Mega Monkeys
- Mega Moolah
- Mega Moolah 4Tune Reels
- Mega Moolah Goddess
- Mega Moolah Lucky Bells
- Mega Moolah Megaways
- Mega Moolah The Witch's Moon
- Mega Mr. Monster
- Mega Mustang
- Mega Player Retro Edition
- Mega Pots O' Gold
- Mega Rich
- Mega Rise
- Mega Runner Retro Edition
- MegaBlox 777
- Megablox Pyramids
- MegaCity
- Megacity Football Fever
- Megahops Megaways
- Megapearl Gigablox
- Megatopshot
- Megaways Duel of the Dead
- Megaways Jack
- Megaways Jack and the Magic Beans
- Megaways Jack Frost
- Megaways Mob
- Megaways Respin
- Mental
- Mer Money
- Mercy of the Gods
- Merge Up
- Merlin Realm of Charm
- Merlin's Alchemy
- Merlin's Beard
- Merlin's Fortune
- Merlin's Magic Mirror
- Merlin's Mania
- Merlin's Revenge Megaways
- Merlin: Journey of Flame
- Merlin’s Magic Mirror Megaways
- Mermaid Pays 100 lines
- Mermaid Reef
- Mermaid's Diamond
- Mermaid's Mega Chest
- Mermaids
- Mermaids Galore
- Mermaids Love
- Mermaids Millions
- Mermajesty
- Merry Christmas Megaways
- Merry Giftmas: Hold and Win
- Merry Megaways
- Merry Xmas
- Mexico Dude
- Mexico Wins
- MexoMax!
- Miami Beach
- Miami Bonus Wheel
- Miami Glow
- Miami Multiplier
- Miami Nights
- Miami Sunset 7s Hold and Win
- Mice And Magic
- Midas Coins
- Midas Fortune
- Midas Gold
- Midas Golden Touch 2
- Midas Golden Touch Christmas Edition
- Midas Golden Touch Reborn
- Midas King of Gold
- Midas Magic!
- Midas Moolah: Random Reels
- Midas Riches
- Midas Treasure
- Midas: Golden Touch
- Midnight in Tokyo
- Midnight Marauder
- Midnight Marauder Dream Drop
- Midnight Money
- Midnight Romance
- Midway Money
- Might Of Freya Megaways
- Mighty 40
- Mighty Arthur
- Mighty Dragon
- Mighty Eagle Super Symbols
- Mighty Empire Hold & Win
- Mighty Fish: Blue Marlin
- Mighty Fruits
- Mighty Gorilla
- Mighty Hot Wilds
- Mighty Joker
- Mighty Khan
- Mighty Kong
- Mighty Marlin
- Mighty Marlin Super Reel
- Mighty Masks
- Mighty Munching Melons
- Mighty Santa Super Symbols
- Mighty Stallion Hold & Win
- Mighty Symbols: Crowns
- Mighty Symbols: Diamonds
- Mighty Symbols: Jokers
- Mighty Symbols: Sevens
- Mighty Symbols™ Crowns Easter
- Mighty Symbols™: Diamonds Easter
- Mighty Titan Link and Win
- Mighty Viking
- Mighty Wild Panther Grand Platinum Edition
- Mighty Wild Panther xMas Edition
- Mighty Wild: Panther
- Mighty Wild: Panther Grand Diamond Edition
- Mighty Wild: Panther Grand Gold Edition
- Mighty Wild™ Panther Easter
- Mighty Wins
- Mikey O'Mania
- Miko Festival
- Milkshake XXXtreme
- Milky Ways
- Million 7
- Million 777
- Million 777 Bells
- Million 777 Hot
- Million 777 Wheel
- Million 88
- Million Book
- Million Christmas
- Million Christmas 2023
- Million Dracula
- Million Vegas
- Million Zeus
- Million Zeus 2
- Millionaire Mystery Box
- Millionaire Rush
- Mimi & the Magic Staff
- Mine & Melt
- Mine Blown
- Mine field
- Miners Matter
- Mining Madness
- Mining Pots of Gold
- Minotauros
- Minotauros Dice
- Minted Coins
- Mirror Joker
- Misery Mining
- Miss Cherry Fruits Jackpot Party
- Miss Wildfire
- Mole Smash
- Moleionaire
- Moley Moolah!
- Money Cart
- Money Cart 2
- Money Cart 4
- Money Grows on Trees
- Money Inc.
- Money Jar
- Money Jar 2
- Money Mariachi Infinity Reels
- Money Mayweather
- Money Minter
- Money Minter Bonus Buy
- Money Moose
- Money Mouse
- Money Sleigh
- Money Stacks
- Money Track
- Money Track 2
- Money Train 4
- Money Train Origins Dream Drop
- Money Vaults
- Money Wagon
- Mongol Treasures
- Mongol Treasures II: Archery Competition
- Monkey God - Buy Feature
- Monkey God Hold and Win
- Monkey Madness
- Monkey Mania
- Monkey Mayhem
- Monkey Pop
- Monkey Warrior
- Monkey: Battle Of The Scrolls
- Monkeys Go Bananas MultiMax
- Monster Blox
- Monster Disco XtraHold
- Monster Hunt
- Monster Truck Madness
- Monsters of Rock Megaways
- Monsters Unchained
- Monsters VS Gigablox
- Monsterville Secrets
- Moo Snatchers
- Moon Oak Deluxe
- Moon of Fortune
- Moon of Thoth
- Moon Princess
- Moon Princess - Power of Love
- Moon Spell
- Moon Spirit Hold & Win
- Moon Tiger
- Mooncake Riches Hold and Win
- Moonlight Fortune 50
- Moonlight Wolves
- Moonrise Fortunes Hold and Win
- Moonshine Riches
- More Dragon Ladies
- More Fresh Fruits
- More Turkey
- More Unusual Suspects
- Morgana Megaways
- Moriarty Megaways
- Mother of Horus
- Motörhead
- Mount Cash
- Mr & Mrs Spy
- Mr Piggles
- Mr Porky Banker: Cash Stash
- Mr. Hallow-Win
- Mr. Pigg E. Bank
- Ms Robin Hood
- Muay Thai Champion
- Mucho Loco Habanero
- Muddy Waters
- Muertitos: Video Bingo
- Muertos Fortune
- Muertos Multiplier Megaways
- Multi 7 Wild
- Multi Bricks
- Multi Charm
- Multi Fruits
- Multi Gem
- Multi Golden Scarabs
- Multi Joker Popwins
- Multi Jolly Wild
- Multifly!
- Multiplier Odyssey
- Multiplier Riches
- Multistar Fruits
- MultiSupreme81
- Mummified Mysteries
- Mummy Megaways
- Mummy's Gold
- Munchies
- Munition Mine
- Musketeer Megaways
- Musketeers
- Musketeers 1 Wild for All
- Mustang Gold Megaways
- Mustang Riches
- Mustang Trail
- Mutagenes
- Mutant Potatoes
- Mutant Trawlers
- MVP Hoops
- My Village
- Myrtle the Witch
- Mysteries of Egypt
- Mysterious
- Mystery Bells
- Mystery Drop
- Mystery Genie Fortunes of the Lamp
- Mystery Jack
- Mystery Jack Deluxe
- Mystery Joker
- Mystery Joker 6000
- Mystery Kingdom: Mystery Bells Love the Jackpot
- Mystery Mice
- Mystery Mine
- Mystery Mission To The Moon
- Mystery Motel
- Mystery Of Eldorado
- Mystery Reels
- Mystery Reels Deluxe
- Mystery Reels MEGAWAYS
- Mystery Reels Power Reels
- Mystery Stacks Deluxe
- Mystery Woods
- Mystic Force
- Mystic Genie
- Mystic Lady
- Mystic Magic
- Mystic Ocean
- Mystic Panther Treasures of the Wild
- Mystic Spells
- Mystic Spirits
- Mystic Staxx
- Mystic Wheel
- Mystical Forest
- Mystical Santa
- Mystical Spirits
- Myth
- Mythic Maiden
- Mythic Tiger
- Mythological Mayhem
- Mötley Crüe
- N
- Napoleon 2
- Napoleon Megaways
- Napoleon vs Rabbits
- Napoleon: Rise of an Empire
- Narcos
- Narcos Mexico
- Nashville 777 Retro Roller
- Native Spirit
- Nefertiti's Riches
- Neko Night Dream Drop
- Neon City
- Neon Dreams
- Neon Links
- Neon Pyramid
- Neon Rush: Splitz
- Neon Shifter
- Neon Staxx
- Neon Villains DoubleMax
- Neptune's Fortune Megaways
- Neptune's Riches: Ocean of Wilds
- Nero's Fortune
- New in School - Manga Mania
- New Year Happiness
- New Year Rising
- NFT Megaways
- Nice Catch 2 Doublemax
- Nice Catch DoubleMax
- Night Club 81
- Night of the Living Tales
- Night Queen
- Night Roller
- Night Trax
- Night Wolves
- Nightmares Vs. Gigablox
- Nile Fortune
- Nile Liner
- Nine to Five
- Ninja
- Ninja Raccoon Frenzy
- Ninja vs Samurai
- Ninja Ways
- Ninjaz vs Narcos
- Nirvana
- Nitropolis
- Nitropolis 2
- Nitropolis 3
- Nitropolis 4
- Nitropolis 5
- Noble 7s
- Noble Fruits
- Noble Fruits XXL
- Noble Sky
- Nordic Fire
- Nordic Winnings
- North Guardians
- Northern Sky
- Not Enough Kittens
- Notre Dame Tales GigaBlox
- Nugget Frenzy
- Numero Uno
- Nunchucks Chicken
- NutBots
- O
- O'Bryans' Funland
- Oasis of Dead
- Ocean Drive
- Ocean Fortune
- Ocean Gems Bonanza
- Ocean Hunter
- Ocean Reef
- Octo Attack
- Octopus Armada
- Odin
- Odin Infinity Reels
- Odin Lightning Blitz
- Odin Power
- Odin's Gamble
- Odin: Protector of Realms
- Odins Riches
- Of Sabres and Monsters
- Oink Bankin'
- Oink Farm
- Oink Farm 2
- Oktoberfest
- Old Fellow
- Old Gun
- Old West
- Olympic Cash
- Olympus Hades Megaways
- Olympus Raging Megaways
- Olympus Zeus Megaways
- OmNom
- Omuato
- One Coin
- Oni Hunter Plus
- Oodles of Noodles
- Opal Fruits
- Opera Dynasty
- Operation Diamond Hunt K Gamble
- Operation Diamond Hunt Mini-Max
- Operation: Diamond Hunt
- Orb of Destiny
- Orca's Wild Bonanza
- Orca's Wild Bonanza Extenda Edition
- Orient Express
- Orient Train
- Oriental Dragon
- Origins
- Origins of Existence
- Otterly Amazing
- Out of the Ice
- Outback Gold: Hold and Win
- Outlaw
- Outlaw Saloon
- Outlaws
- Outlaws Inc
- Outsourced
- Outsourced: Slash Game
- Over The Moon
- Owls
- Oxygen
- Ozwins Jackpots
- Ozzy Osbourne
- P
- Paddy O'Plunder
- Paddy's Payouts
- Paddy's Pints
- Paddy's Pot Mega Moolah
- Pagoda of Fortune
- Palace of Treasures
- Panda Bills
- Panda Luck
- Panda Money
- Panda Strike
- Panda Time
- Panda's Fortune
- Panda's Fortune 2
- Pandastic Adventure
- Pandora's Treasure
- Panther Queen
- Panther's Reign
- Papaya Pop
- Paradise Ticket
- Paris Nights
- Parrot Bay
- Parthenon: Quest for Immortality
- Party Fruits
- Party Pop
- Party, Party, Party
- Past The Post
- Path of Destiny
- Patrick's Magic Field
- Paws and Claws: A Tail of Fortune
- Payday Megaways
- Payday Pig
- Payout Time
- PayPig 10K Ways
- Peaky Blinders
- Peaky Pigs
- Pearl Catcher
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Legend: Hold & Win
- Pearl Ocean: Hold and Win
- Pearl Prizes
- Pearls of Aphrodite
- Pearls of Aphrodite Mini-Max
- Pearls of India
- Pearls of Poseidon
- Pearly Shores
- Pegasus Cash Spree
- Peggy Sweets
- Peking Luck
- Penalty Shoot-Out
- Penguin City
- Penguins Christmas Party Time
- Penny Pelican
- Perfect Prize Pooch
- Perseus
- Persian Fortune
- Persian Jewels
- Peter Hunter
- Phantasmic Fortunes
- Phantom Family PrizeMatch
- Phantom's Mirror
- Pharao's Riches
- Pharao's Riches GDN
- Pharao's Riches RHFP
- Pharaoh of Thebes
- Pharaoh Princess - Daughter of the Nile
- Pharaoh's Dynasty PrizeMatch
- Pharaoh's Gaze Doublemax
- Pharaoh's Reign
- Pharaoh's Reign Mini-Max
- Pharaohs and Aliens
- Phat Cats Megaways
- Pheonix Reborn
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Fire Power Reels
- Phoenix Fury
- Phoenix Inferno
- Phoenix Paradise
- Phoenix Rises
- Phoenix Sun
- Phoenix Up Cash
- Phone Tag
- Pickle Bandits
- Pied Piper
- Pig City Life
- Pigeon Hut
- Piggy Bandits
- Piggy Bank Megaways
- Piggy Bankers
- Piggy Blitz
- Piggy Blitz Disco Gold
- Piggy Cluster Hunt
- Piggy Collect & Multiply
- Piggy Gold
- Piggy Gold
- Piggy Millionaire
- Piggy Payout
- Piggy Pop
- Piggy Power: Hit the Bonus
- Piggy Riches
- Piggy Riches 2 Megaways
- Piggy Riches Megaways
- Piggy Smash
- Piggy Town
- Pigs Feast
- Pile 'Em Up
- Pile 'Em Up Frosty Sweets
- Piles of Presents
- Pillars of Luck
- Pinata Burst
- Pinata Popper Dream Drop
- Pinata Smash
- Pinata Wildz
- Pinatas & Ponies
- Pine of Plinko 2
- Pine of Plinko Dream Drop
- Pineapple Crush
- Pineapple Pop
- Pink Elephants
- Pink Elephants 2
- Pink Elephants 2 Reborn
- Pink Joker: Hold and Win
- Pinup Girls
- Pips Quest
- Piranha Pays
- Pirate Armada
- Pirate Bonanza
- Pirate Booty
- Pirate Dreams - Manga Mania
- Pirate from the East
- Pirate Gold
- Pirate Gold Deluxe
- Pirate Kingdom Megaways
- Pirate Multi Coins
- Pirate On The Edge
- Pirate Pays
- Pirate Respins
- Pirate's Awakening
- Pirate's Booty
- Pirate's Charm
- Pirate's Run
- Pirates & Parrots
- Pirates 2: Mutiny
- Pirates of the Mediterranean
- Pirates Of The Mediterranean Remastered
- Pirates Party
- Pirates Plenty
- Pirates Plenty Megaways
- Pirates Plenty: Battle for Gold
- Pirates Pub
- Pirates – Smugglers Paradise
- Pirots 2
- Pirots 3
- Pirots X
- Pixie Wings
- Pixielicious
- Pixies Vs Pirates
- Pizza Express
- Pizza Fiesta
- Pizza Time
- Pizza! Pizza? Pizza!
- Planet Fortune
- Planet Shock
- Platooners
- Play With The Devil
- Playboy
- Playboy Fortunes
- Playboy® Fortunes HyperSpins
- Plenty of Presents
- Plenty o’ Fish
- Plinkgoal
- Plinko
- Plinko Go
- Plinko XY
- Plunderin' Pirates: Hold & Win
- Plunderland
- Plushie Frenzy
- Plushie Peril
- Poison Eve
- Polar Bonanza
- Polar Paws
- Poltava
- Pompeii Megareels Megaways
- Pop
- Pop Cop
- Pop Zen
- Popeye and Olive Oyl
- Popeye vs Brutus SuperSlice
- Poppin' Party
- Possessed
- Pot of Fortune
- Pots O' Gold Bonanza
- Pots O'Riches Mega Moolah
- Power Core
- Power Crown: Hold and Win
- Power Fruits
- Power Lines
- Power Moon
- Power of Gods Medusa Extremely Light
- Power of Gods Valhalla Extremely Light
- Power of Gods: Egypt
- Power of Gods: Hades
- Power of Gods: Medusa
- Power of Gods: The Pantheon
- Power of Gods: Valhalla
- Power of Love
- Power of Merlin Megaways
- Power of Olympus
- Power of Rome
- Power of Sun: Svarog
- Power of the Vikings
- Power of Thor Megaways
- Powercoins Leprechaun
- Powerspin
- Precious 7
- Precious Panda Hold & Win
- Premier Joker Cash Spree
- Pretty Diamonds Superpays
- Primal Hunter Gigablox
- Primal Megaways
- Primal Spirits
- Primate King
- Primate King Megaways
- Prime Zone
- Prince of Thieves
- Prince of Riches
- Prissy Princess
- Prize Piggy Win & Spin
- Prize Pot Picks
- Prize Pots O'Gold
- Professor Big Win
- Professor Clank's Combinator
- Prospector Wilds
- Prospector Wilds Hold&Win
- Prospector Wilds Megaways
- Prospector Wilds: Gold Digga
- Prospector Wilds: Minecart Madness
- Prospector's Plinko
- Prosperity Blessing
- Prosperity Fortune Tree
- Prosperity Gems
- Prosperity Journey
- Prosperity Lion
- Prosperity Palace
- Prosperity Pearls
- Prosperity Reels
- Psycho Candies
- Pub Crawl
- Pub Kings
- Pug Life
- Pug Thugs of Nitropolis
- Pumpkin Smash
- Punch Club
- Punk Rocker
- Punk Rocker 2
- Punk Toilet
- Pure Money International
- Pure Platinum
- Purr Power
- Purrfect Potions
- Pushy Cats
- Puss'n Boots
- Pyramid Jackpots
- Pyramid King
- Pyramid of Light
- Pyramid Pays
- Pyramid Rising x33
- Pyramid Strike
- Pyramid Treasure
- Pyramid: Quest for Immortality
- Pyramids of Egypt
- Pyramids of the Nile
- Pyramyth
- Pyramyth Reborn
- Pyro Pixie
- Q
- Quackin' Reels
- Quantum Clash
- Queen of Alexandria
- Queen of Alexandria WOWPOT
- Queen of Atlantis
- Queen of Bounty
- Queen of Egypt Exotic Wilds
- Queen of Embers
- Queen of Gold
- Queen Of Mars
- Queen of Spins
- Queen of the East
- Queen of the Night
- Queen of Thrones
- Queen of Wands
- Queen of Wonderland Megaways
- Queens of Africa
- Queens of Avalon
- Queens of Glory
- Queens of Glory Legacy
- Queens of Ra: Power Combo
- Quest
- Quest Of Gods
- Quick Cash
- R
- Ra's Legend
- Rabbit Fields
- Rabbit Garden
- Rabbit In The Hat
- Rabbit in the Hat 2
- Rabbit Royale
- Rabbits Rabbits Rabbits
- Rabid Randy
- Race to the Top
- Race to win
- Rage
- Rage to Riches
- Raging Dragons
- Raging Gods: Olympus Power Combo
- Raging Reindeer
- Raging Rex
- Raging Rex 3
- Raging Riches
- Raging Super 2 Ways
- Raging Wings
- Raging Zeus
- RagingPop
- Ragnaravens Wild Energy
- Ragnarok
- Ragnawolves
- Raiden Medal Burst
- Raiders of the North
- RainBalls
- Rainbow Burst
- Rainbow Cash Pots
- Rainbow Gold
- Rainbow Jackpots
- Rainbow Jackpots Power Lines
- Rainbow Power Potz
- Rainbow Ray
- Rainbow Reels
- Rainbow Ryan
- Rainbow Ryan 2
- Rainbow Wilds
- Rainbow Wilds Megaways
- Rainforest Gold
- Rainforest Magic
- Rainin' Money
- Rambo
- Ramen Puzzle
- Rampage
- Ramses and the Book of Rings
- Ramses Blitz Hold & Win
- Ramses Book Christmas Edition
- Ramses Book Easter Egg
- Ramses Book GDN
- Ramses Book RHFP
- Ramses Legacy
- Ramses Retro
- Ramses Revenge
- Ramses Rising
- Random Reels
- Rapunzel's Tower
- RaRaRa
- Rascal Riches
- Rasputin Megaways
- Rat King
- Rave Party Fever
- Raven Rising
- Raven's Eye
- Razor Returns
- Razor Ways
- Razortooth
- Reactoonz
- Reactoonz 2
- Reactor
- Ready, Set, CASH!
- Realm of Lions
- Reapers
- Rebets Splendour
- Red Cap
- Red Devil Reel
- Red Diamond
- Red Hot BBQ
- Red Hot Cherry
- Red Hot Luck
- Red Hot Prizes
- Red Hot Reels
- Red Hot Repeater Power Spins
- Red Hot Riches
- Red Hot Volcano
- Red Panda Rising
- Red Riding Hood
- Red Zone Blitz
- Redline Rush
- Redrose Sanctuary
- Reef Raider
- Reel All-Stars
- Reel Banks
- Reel Big Boom
- Reel Big Fish
- Reel Bonanza
- Reel Crown: Hold & Win
- Reel Desire
- Reel Diamonds
- Reel Fox
- Reel Fruits
- Reel Fruity Bingo
- Reel Gems
- Reel Gems Deluxe
- Reel Hero
- Reel Holidays
- Reel Hot Respin
- Reel Joke
- Reel Keeper
- Reel Keeper Power Reels
- Reel King
- Reel King Mega
- Reel King Megaways
- Reel LinKing
- Reel Love
- Reel Lucky King Megaways
- Reel Nightmare
- Reel Rabbit
- Reel Rush
- Reel Rush 2
- Reel Splitter
- Reel Spooky King Megaways
- Reel Steal
- Reel Wolf
- Reels of Flame
- Reels on fire
- Regal Beasts
- Regal Streak
- Reggae Rhythm
- Reign of Fire
- Reindeer Royale
- Release the Bison
- Release the Kraken 2
- Release the Kraken Megaways
- Relic Hunters and the Book of Faith
- Remember Gulag
- Remember Remember
- Reno 7's
- Reptizillions Power Reels
- Republic Empire: Hold & Win
- Respin 7's
- Respin Circus
- Respin Fruits
- Respin Joker
- Respin Joker 81 Xmas
- Respin Mania
- Respin Mania Mega Reels
- Respin Mania Megaways
- Retro Galaxy
- Retro Solitaire
- Retro Sweets
- Retro Tapes
- Retromania
- Retropia
- Return of Kong Megaways
- Revenge of Loki Megaways
- Revenge of the Daimyo
- Rex the Hunt
- Rhino Hold and Win
- Rhino Rilla Rex
- Rich Castle
- Rich Lady
- Rich Lady Deluxe
- Rich Raptors
- Rich Wilde and the Pearls of Vishnu
- Rich Wilde and the Tome of Insanity
- Rich Wilde and the Wandering City
- Riches From The Deep
- Riches Of Caliph
- Riches of Midgard: Land and Expand
- Riches of Olympus
- Riches of Ra
- Riches of Rumpelstiltskin Megaways
- Rick and Morty Megaways
- Rick and Morty Strike Back
- Rick And Morty Wubba Lubba Dub Dub
- Riddle of the Sphinx
- Riders of the Storm
- Ring of Odin
- Ring the Wild Bell
- Ring the Wild Bell XL
- Rio Mystery Night
- Rio Pleasures
- Rio Stars
- Rip City
- Ripe Rewards
- Riptide Pirates
- Rise of Apollo
- Rise of Atlantis
- Rise of Atlantis 2
- Rise of Coins
- Rise of Egypt
- Rise of Giza PowerNudge
- Rise of Maya
- Rise of Olympus
- Rise of Olympus Origins
- Rise of Pyramids
- Rise of Shinobi
- Rise of the Genie
- Rise of Ymir
- Rising Liner
- Rising Rewards
- Rising Rewards King Millions
- Rising Royals
- Rising Samurai: Hold and Win
- Risque Megaways
- Riviera Star
- Road 2 Cash
- Road Rage
- Roadkill
- Roaming Romans Ultranudge
- Roar of the Bear Megaways
- Robbin Robin
- Robin & His Girl
- Robin Hood's Heroes
- Robin Hood: Shifting Riches
- Robin Nottingham Raiders
- Robin Sherwood Marauders
- Rock 'n' Roll Rooster
- Rock Bottom
- Rock Paper Scissors Draw
- Rock Star Santa Multimax
- Rock the Reels Megaways
- Rock'N'Lock
- Rockabilly Wolves
- Rocket Blast Megaways
- Rocket Fellas Inc
- Rocket Men
- Rocket Reels
- Rockin' Gorilla
- Rogue Rats of Nitropolis
- Roll the Dice
- Rolling in Gold
- Roman Emperors
- Roman Legend
- Roman Legion Deluxe
- Roman Legion GDN
- Roman Legion Xtreme
- Roman Legion Xtreme RHFP
- Roman Power
- Rome - Rise of an Empire
- Rome - The Conquerors
- Rome Fight For Gold Deluxe
- Rome Supermatch
- Rome Warrior
- Rome: Fight For Gold
- Rome: The Golden Age
- Ronaldinho Scores Shoot & Win
- Ronaldinho Spins
- Ronin Stackways
- Ronin's Honour
- Rooster Fury
- Rooster Fury Dice
- Rooster Mobs
- Rooster Rumble
- Rotating Element
- Rotten
- Route 777
- Royal Coins 2: Hold and Win
- Royal Crown
- Royal Crown 2
- Royal Dragon Infinity Reels
- Royal Fortunator Hold & Win
- Royal Gems
- Royal Grandeur
- Royal Griffin
- Royal High Road
- Royal Joker Slots
- Royal Joker: Hold and Win
- Royal Masquerade
- Royal Mint
- Royal Nuts
- Royal Potato
- Royal Potato 2
- Royal Ribbit
- Royal Seven
- Royal Seven Deluxe
- Royal Seven GDN
- Royal Seven Ultra
- Royal Seven XXL
- Royal Seven XXL Deluxe
- Royal Seven XXL Easter Egg
- Royal Seven XXL RHFP
- Royal Win
- Royal Win Remastered
- Royal Wins
- Royal Xmass
- Royal Xmass 2
- Royal Xmass Dice
- Royale with Cheese Megaways
- Rubies of Egypt
- Ruby Hunter
- Ruby Pearl
- Ruby Sevens
- Rugby Penny Roller
- Rulers Crown
- Rum and Raiders
- Rumble Ratz Hold The Cheese
- Runaway Rhino
- Rune Raiders
- Runes of Destiny
- Runes to Riches
- Runner Runner Megaways
- Runner Runner Popwins
- Running Sushi
- Rush Fever 7s
- Rush Fever 7s Deluxe
- Rusty & Curly
- Ryan O'Bryan
- Ryse of Rome
- Ryse of the Mighty Gods
- Ryze
- S
- Safari
- Safari Chase
- Safari Chase: Hit N Roll
- Safari Gold Megaways
- Safari King
- Safari Sun
- Safari Wilds
- Sahara Nights
- Sahara Sun
- Sahara Trails
- Sails of Fortune
- Saint Nicked
- Saint Nicked 2
- Sakura Fortune 2
- Sakura Fortune Epic Bloom
- Sakura Masks
- Salmon Catch
- Salmon King
- Sam on the Beach
- Samarkand's Gold
- Samba Carnival
- Samur.A.I
- Samurai Code
- Samurai Katsumi
- Samurai's Katana
- Samurai's Pleasure
- San Quentin 2: Death Row
- San Quentin xWays
- Sanctuary
- Sands of Destiny
- Sands of Eternity
- Sands of Eternity 2
- Santa
- Santa Blitz Hold and Win
- Santa Express
- Santa King Megaways
- Santa Linking
- Santa Smash
- Santa Spins
- Santa Stacked Free Spins
- Santa vs Rudolf
- Santa's Big Bash Megaways
- Santa's Gift
- Santa's Gift Rush
- Santa's Pots and Pearls
- Santa's Puzzle
- Santa's Stack
- Santa's Stack Dream Drop
- Santa's Wild Reels
- Santa's Winning Wishlist
- Santa's Winter Wilds
- Santa's Xmas Rush
- Satoshi's Secret
- Saturn Spins Power Combo
- Savage Buffalo Spirit
- Savage Buffalo Spirit Megaways
- Savage Lion
- Savage Shark
- Savanna Moon
- Savannah Pride
- Savannah Strike
- Scarab Fortunes Win & Spin
- Scarab Gold
- Scarab Kingdom
- Scarab Rising
- Scarytale Princess
- Scatter Monsters
- Scatters Matter
- Scourge of Rome
- Scratch Match
- Scroll of Seth
- Scrolls of Olympus
- Scrooge Megaways
- Scruffy Duck
- Scudamore's Super Stakes
- Sea of Pearls
- Sea of Plenty
- Sea of Riches
- Sea Treasure
- Sea Treasure Deep Dive
- Seasons
- Second Strike
- Secret 7s
- Secret Book of Amun Ra
- Secret City Gold
- Secret Garden
- Secret Mission
- Secret of Anubis Doublemax
- Secret of the Stones
- Secret Riches of the Irish
- Secret Spellbook Re-Spin
- Secret Stars
- Secrets of Atlantis
- Secrets of Christmas
- Secrets of Cleopatra
- Secrets of the Nile
- Secrets of the Sorcerer
- Secrets of the Temple
- Secrets of the Temple 2
- Serendipity
- Serendipity Deluxe 6
- Serengeti Gold
- Serengeti Kings
- Serengeti Wilds
- Serial
- Serpent Shrine
- Seven 7s
- Seven Books Unlimited
- Seven Seven
- Seven Seven Pots and Pearls
- Seven Seven Xmas
- Sevens & Books
- Sevens & Jok3rs
- Sevens & Suns
- Sevens Deluxe
- Sevens Fire
- Sevens High
- Sevens High Ultra
- Sevens&Fruits
- Sevens&Fruits: 20 Lines
- Seventy Seven
- Severino
- Seville
- Shadow of Luxor
- Shadow Raiders MultiMax
- Shadow Society
- Shadow Strike!
- Shadow Summoner Elementals
- Shadow Treasure
- Shah Mat
- Shake Shake Christmas
- Shake Shake Leprechaun
- Shake Shake Money Tree
- Shaker Club
- Shaman Song
- Shaman Spirit
- Shamans Dream
- Shamans Dream 2
- Shamrock Holmes Megaways
- Shamrock Party 7s
- Shamrock Saints
- Shaolin Panda Chaos Reels
- Shaolin Power
- Shaolin Showdown
- Shaolin Soccer
- Shaolin Spin
- Shark Frenzy
- Shark Wash
- Sheep Gone Wild
- Sheep King
- SheerLuck
- Shelby Online Video Slot
- Shenyijing
- Sheriff Colt
- Sheriff of Nottingham
- Sheriff of Nottingham 2
- Sherlock & Moriarty WOWPOT!
- Sherlock's Casebook
- Sherwood Coins: Hold and Win
- Shield of Egypt
- Shields of Lambda
- Shields of Troy
- Shifting Seas
- Shining King Megaways
- Shinobi Spirit
- Shipwrecked
- Shoguns Secret
- Shoguns Secret CCS
- Shootin' Hoops
- Show Master
- Show me the Mummy
- Shuang Long Fu
- Shuriken Legend
- Si Ling Megaways
- Siberian Wolf
- Sidewinder
- Sidewinder Doublemax
- Siegfried der Drachentöter
- Sienna Steele
- Silk Road
- Silk Road Riches
- Silver & Gold Mine
- Silver Hook
- Silver Seas
- Silver's Gold PowerLinks
- Silverback Gold
- Silverback: Multiplier Mountain
- Simply the Best
- Sin in Berlin
- Sinbad
- Sinbads Odyssey
- Sindbad
- Sinful 7's
- Sinister Circus
- Siren's Riches
- Sisters of Oz Jackpots
- Sisters of Oz WOWPOT
- SixSixSix
- Sizzling 777
- Sizzling 777 Deluxe
- Sizzling Eggs
- Sizzling Eggs Extremely Light
- Sizzling Kingdom: Bison
- Sizzling Kingdom: Bison Xmas
- Sizzling Moon
- Skate or Die
- Skull Spirit 7s Hold and Win
- Skulls Gone Wild
- Skulls Up!
- Sky Bounty
- Sky Hunters K Gamble
- Sky Piggies
- Sky Raiders Power Combo
- Sky Vault
- Skylantis 2 Wild Fight
- Skyliner
- Slash Bros
- Slayers Inc
- Sleepy Grandpa
- Slot Factory
- Slot Jam
- Slot Machine
- Slot Vegas Megaquads
- Slotomoji
- Slots O Luck
- Slugger Time
- Slurpy
- Smart Restart
- Smoking Hot Fortunes
- Smoking Hot Fruit Wild Respin
- Smoking Hot Fruits
- Smoking Hot Fruits 20 Lines
- Smoking Hot Fruits Stacks
- Smoking Pistols
- Smooth Sailing
- Snack Blast
- Snail Race
- Snake Arena
- Snake Arena Dream Drop
- Snake's Gold Dream Drop
- Snakes & Ladders 2 – Snake Eyes
- Snatch the Cash
- Snoop's High Rollers
- Snow Slingers
- Snow Wild and the 7 Features
- Snow Wolf Supreme
- Snowflake Sorcery
- So Many Wilds
- Sobek's Godly Spins
- Soccer Striker
- Solar Eclipse
- Solar Nova
- Solar Nova Hold & Win
- Solar Nova Megaways
- Solar Wilds
- Sold It
- Sold it Bonus Buy
- Solomon The King
- Songkran Splash
- Sonic Links
- Sonic Reels
- Sorcerers of the Night
- Soul of Nature
- Space Attacks Dream Drop
- Space Cows to the Moo'n
- Space Donkey
- Space Gem
- Space Invaders
- Space Invaders Win & Spin
- Space Miners Dream Drop
- Space Sam Walk and Win
- Space Spins
- Space Stallion
- Space Wars
- Space Wars 2: Powerpoints
- Space Wars XXXtreme Megaways
- Space Wins
- Space Zoo
- Spark of Genius
- Sparkling 777's
- Sparkling Fresh
- Sparkling Joker X UP
- Sparks
- Sparky and Shortz Hidden Joules
- Spartan King
- Spartans vs Zombies
- Speakeasy Boost
- Spectra
- Spectre Estate
- Spectrum
- Speed Cash
- Speed Heist
- Speed Winner
- Speedy Bingo
- Spellbinding Mystery
- Sphere Smash
- Sphinx Fortune
- Spicy Fruits
- Spicy Meatballs Megaways
- Spies - Operation Fortune: Power Combo
- Spin & Score Megaways
- Spin Party
- Spin Spin Sugar
- Spin Town
- Spinata Grande
- Spinata Pinata
- Spinions
- Spinions Game Day
- Spinions Xmas Party
- Spinner Winner
- Spinny McWinnagin Loot Boost
- Spinosaurus
- Spins O’Gold Fortune Play
- Spinsane
- Spirit Blast
- Spirit Hunters
- Spirit of the Beast
- Spirit Wolf Wins
- Spirits Of The East
- Spiña Colada
- Splash of Riches
- Splatzz
- Split Happens
- Splitting Ways
- Spooktacular Bonanza
- Spooky Carnival
- Spring Heeled Jack
- Square Up
- Squealin' Riches
- Squeeze
- Squid from the Deep
- St Louis 1904
- Stack-A-Cat
- Stacked Fire 7s
- Stacked Fire 7s BIG Spins
- Stacked Valentine Hearts
- Stacks of Jacks
- Stage 888
- Stallion Kingdom
- Stampede
- Stampede Bonanza
- Stampede Rush Wicked
- Stampeding Strike
- Star Bounty
- Star Cluster
- Star Dragon
- Star Fortune
- Star Gods
- Star Kingdom
- Star Pops
- Star Shine
- Star Stacks
- Star Stash Wild 7's
- Star Staxx
- Star Stretch
- Star Wild Blaster
- Starburst
- Starburst Galaxy
- Starburst XXXtreme
- Starfire Fortunes TopHit
- Starlight Christmas
- Starlight Princess 1000
- Starlight Princess Pachi
- Starlight Riches
- Starlite Fruits
- Starlite Fruits Mega Moolah
- Stars & Jokers
- Stars Bonanza
- Stars n' Sweets Hold & Win
- Starsign Clusters
- StarSpell
- Starstruck
- Starz Megaways
- Station Red
- Steam Squad
- Steam Tower
- Steampunk Big City
- Steamworks - The Workshop
- Stellar 7's
- Stellar Portals
- Stellar Stars
- Stellar Ways
- Stepping Diamonds
- Steps To Heaven
- Stick ´Em
- Stickers
- Sticky Bandits
- Sticky Bandits 3: Most Wanted
- Sticky Bandits Trail of Blood
- Sticky Bandits Unchained
- Sticky Bandits: Wild Return
- Sticky Bees
- Sticky Diamonds Easter Egg
- Sticky Diamonds RHFP
- Sticky Joker
- Sticky Stacked Fire 7s
- Stinkin Rich Super Rich Respins
- Stinkin' Rich
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Stolen Treasures
- Stone Gaze
- Stone Gaze of Medusa
- Stormforged
- Stormy Witch
- Strawberry Cocktail
- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
- Street Racer
- Striker Goes Wild
- Strolling Staxx: Cubic Fruits
- Stumpy McDoodles 2
- Stunning 27
- Stunning Cash
- Stunning Cash Ultra
- Stunning Crown
- Stunning Crown Cash Mesh
- Stunning Crown Cash Mesh Ultra
- Stunning Cube
- Stunning Hot
- Stunning Hot 20 Deluxe
- Stunning Hot Deluxe 20 Remastered
- Stunning Hot Remastered
- Stunning Snow
- Stunning Snow Remastered
- Succubus Offer
- Sugar Bomb Multiboost
- Sugar Bonanza Deluxe
- Sugar Craze Bonanza
- Sugar Glider
- Sugar Glider Dice
- Sugar Monster
- Sugar Rush 1000
- Sugar Rush Fever
- Sugar Rush Xmas
- Sugar Skulls
- Sugar Splash
- Sugar Supreme Powernudge
- Sugar Train
- Sugarlicious EveryWay
- Sultan Spins
- Summer Spins
- Sumo Spins
- Sumo Sumo
- Sumo Supreme Megaways
- Sun Fire
- Sun of Maya
- Sun of Ra
- Sun Wind
- Sunken Riches
- Sunny Fruits 2: Hold and Win
- Sunny Sevens
- Sunny Shores
- Sunny Stacks
- Sunset Delight
- Super 12 Stars
- Super 15 Stars
- Super 20 Stars
- Super 25 Stars
- Super 30 Stars
- Super 5 Stars
- Super 50 Stars
- Super 7 Deluxe
- Super 7 Stars
- Super 7s
- Super Bonus Wild Retro Edition
- Super Boom
- Super Burning Wins
- Super Cash Drop
- Super Cash Drop Gigablox
- Super Diamond Deluxe
- Super Duper
- Super Duper Cherry
- Super Duper Cherry RHFP
- Super Duper Crazy Chicken Easter Egg
- Super Egg Hunt
- Super Fast Hot Hot
- Super Fortune Dragon
- Super Fruit Smash
- Super Gems
- Super Gems XL
- Super Golf Drive
- Super Hot
- Super Hot Fruits Megaways
- Super Hot Stacks
- Super Joker
- Super Joker Megaways
- Super Liner
- Super Lion
- Super Lion Megaways
- Super Money World
- Super Rainbow Megaways
- Super Reel - Spin It Hot
- Super Sake
- Super Sally's Shrimpmania
- Super Sevens
- Super Size Atlas
- Super Sombrero
- Super Striker
- Super Sundae
- Super Sync
- Super Twins
- Super Wild 27
- Super Wild Blaster
- Super Wild Megaways
- Supercharged Clovers: Hold and Win
- Superola
- Superstars
- SuperTracks Railways
- Sure Thing - Penny Roller
- Surfin' Reels
- Surfing Beauties
- Surging 7's
- Sushi
- Sushi Game
- Swahili
- Swan House
- Sweet 27
- Sweet Alchemy
- Sweet Bonanza 1000
- Sweet Candy Cash
- Sweet Candy Cash Megaways
- Sweet Candy Cash Megaways Deluxe
- Sweet Candy Christmas
- Sweet Dreams
- Sweet Gems
- Sweet Kingdom
- Sweet Miner
- Sweet n Sour
- Sweet n Sour Winter
- Sweet Reward
- Sweet Rush Megaways
- Sweet Smash
- Sweet Spotz
- Sweet Success Megaways
- Sweet Sugar
- Sweet Vegas
- Sweetania Unlimited
- Sweetopia Royale
- Swift Blades
- Swipe and Roll
- Sword King
- Sword of Arthur
- Sword of Fortune
- Sword of Khans
- Sword of Shoguns
- Sylvan Spirits
- Symbols of Egypt
- Syncronite
- T
- Taboo
- Taco Brothers
- Taco Brothers Saving Christmas
- Taco Fury XXXtreme
- Taco Tuesday
- Tahiti Gold
- Tai the Toad
- Take 5
- Take 5 Christmas Edition
- Take 5 GDN
- Take 5 RHFP
- Takutiki
- Tales of Asgard - Lokis Fortune
- Tales of Dr. Dolittle
- Tales of Mithrune Syn's Fortune
- Tales of Silver Megaways
- Tales of Sleepy Hollow
- Tanked
- Tarasque
- Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
- Taste of China
- Tasty Treats
- Team Santa Power Combo
- Team Win Fast
- Ted
- Ted Afterparty
- Ted Cash Lock
- Ted Megaways
- Teddy's Quest
- Teller of Tales
- Telly Reels
- Tempered Steel
- Templar Tumble 2 Dream Drop
- Templar Tumble Dream Drop
- Temple Cats
- Temple Of Ausar
- Temple of Dead
- Temple of Fury Dream Drop
- Temple of Heroes
- Temple Of Iris
- Temple of Iris 2
- Temple of Light
- Temple of Medusa
- Temple of Nudges
- Temple of Paw
- Temple of Prosperity
- Temple of Ra
- Temple of Riches
- Temple of Thunder
- Temple of Tollan
- Temple of Torment
- Temple of Treasures Megaways
- Temple of Tut
- Temple Stacks: Splitz
- Temple Tumble 2 Dream Drop
- Temujin Treasures
- Ten Elements
- Ten Ton Ways Goldfish
- Tequila Fiesta
- Terminator 2
- Terracotta Army
- Tesla Jolt
- Teutoburg
- Texas Tycoon
- Thai Flower Megaways
- Thai Garden
- Thai River Wonders
- That's Norse
- The 3 Bears
- The Alter Ego
- The Amazing Money Machine
- The Asp of Cleopatra
- The Bandit and The Baron
- The Banshee
- The Big Dawgs
- The Big Hit
- The Big One
- The Book
- The Book Beyond
- The Border
- The Bounty
- The Bowery Boys
- The Cage
- The Captain's Quest
- The Chillies
- The Creepy Carnival
- The Crown Reloaded XtraLock
- The Crypt
- The Cursed King
- The Dark Art
- The Dark Joker Rizes
- The Dog House - Dog or Alive
- The Dog House - Muttley Crew
- The Dog House Multihold
- The Dream Machine
- The Emirate
- The Emirate II
- The Eternal Widow
- The Expandable
- The Expandables
- The Expendables Megaways
- The Expendables New Mission Megaways
- The Falcon Huntress
- The Final Countdown
- The Finer Reels of Life
- The Finer Reels of Life WOWPOT
- The Flintstones
- The Fun Hell
- The G.O.A.T.
- The Game With No Name
- The Golden Sail
- The Goo
- The Good The Bad and The Ugly
- The Good, the Bad & the SuperSlice
- The Good, The Bad and The Rich
- The Goonies
- The Goonies Megaways
- The Goonies Return
- The Goonies: Hey You Guys
- The Grand
- The Grand Galore
- The Grand Show
- The Great Albini 2
- The Great Archer
- The Great Chicken Escape
- The Great Icescape
- The Great Jackpot Expedition
- The Great Pigsby
- The Great Wall
- The Greatest Catch
- The Greatest Catch Bonus Buy
- The Greatest Train Robbery
- The Gunman of Goldwood
- The Handsome Bandit
- The Hot Offer
- The Hunter's Club
- The Incredible Balloon Machine
- The Invisible Man
- The Jungle Empire
- The King
- The Knight King
- The Land Of Heroes
- The Land Of Heroes GDN
- The Legend of Hercules: Super Stake
- The Legend of Musashi
- The Legend of Shangri-La
- The Legendary Red Dragon
- The Lioness with Amanda Nunes
- The Lost Boys
- The Love Guru
- The Mafiosi
- The Magic Cauldron - Enchanted Brew
- The Magic of Cleopatra
- The Magic Orb
- The Magic River
- The Magnificent SuperSlice
- The Mighty King
- The Mighty Toro
- The Money Men Megaways
- The Nemean Lion
- The O' Tooles Feud
- The One Armed Bandit
- The Pig Wizard Megaways
- The Queen's Banquet
- The Race
- The Rave
- The Red Queen
- The Respinners
- The Rift
- The Ripper
- The Rise Of AI
- The Rodfather Megaways
- The Ruby Megaways
- The Runemakers DoubleMax
- The Secret Forest
- The Secret of Ali Baba
- The Secret of Machu Picchu
- The Shadow Order
- The Spanish Life
- The Stash
- The Sword and The Grail
- The Sword and the Grail Excalibur
- The Tablet of Amun-Ra
- The Terminator
- The Three Musketeers
- The Trolls' Treasure
- The Tumbles
- The Vampires
- The Vampires II
- The Vault
- The Warlock's Book - Buy Feature
- The Watcher
- The Wild Bunch
- The Wild Chase
- The Wild Chase: Tokyo Go
- The Wild Drifter
- The Wild Gang
- The Wild Hatter
- The Wild Kiss
- The Wild Machine
- The Wild Wings of Phoenix
- The Wildos
- The Wisecracker Lightning
- The Wish Master
- The Wish Master Megaways
- The Wolf´s Bane
- The Woods
- Theatre Of Rome
- Theme Park: Tickets of Fortune
- Theseus Rises
- Thirsty Viking
- Thor Goes Wild
- Thor Infinity Reels
- Thor's Egg Hunt
- Thor's Lightning
- Thor's Vengeance
- Thor: Hammer Time
- Thoro
- Thors Hammer
- Three Kingdoms
- Three Musketeers
- Three Samurai
- Three Star Fortune
- Thrill to Grill
- Throne of Amun-Ra
- Thunder Coins: Hold and Win
- Thunder Hog Chaos Reels
- Thunder Mega Sevens
- Thunder of Thor
- Thunder Shields
- Thunder Treasure
- Thunder Wheel
- Thunderhawk
- Thunderstruck
- Thunderstruck Gold Blitz Extreme
- Thunderstruck II
- Thunderstruck II Mega Moolah
- Thunderstruck Stormchaser
- Thunderstruck Wild Lightning
- Tibetan Talisman
- Ticket to Fortune
- Ticket to Riches
- Ticket to the Stars
- Ticket to Wild
- Tiger and Dragon
- Tiger Claws
- Tiger Fortune
- Tiger Kingdom
- Tiger Rush
- Tiger Tiger
- Tiger's Glory
- Tiger's Glory Ultra
- Tiger's Ice
- Tikaani Gold
- Tiki Bee Bar
- Tiki Blaze
- Tiki Bonanza
- Tiki Fortune
- Tiki Fruits
- Tiki Fruits Totem Frenzy
- Tiki Goddess
- Tiki Infinity Reels Megaways
- Tiki Inifinity Reels X Megaways
- Tiki Pop
- Tiki Reward
- Tiki Runner 2 DoubleMax
- Tiki Runner GigaBlox
- Tiki Secret
- Tiki Tiki Boom
- Tiki Tiki Hold'n'Win
- Tiki Time Exotic Wilds
- Tiki Vikings
- Tiki Wins
- Tikiz N Juice
- Timber Stacks
- Time Machine
- Time of Chronos
- Time Spinners
- Time Travel Tigers
- Timelines
- Tin Can Cash
- Tippy Tavern
- Tippy's Golden Pot
- Tipsy Charms
- Titan Strike
- Titan Thunder: Wrath of Hades
- Tiwanaku
- TNT Bonanza
- TNT Bonanza 2
- TNT Extravaganza
- TNT Tumble
- TNT Tumble Dream Drop
- To Mars and Beyond
- Toki Time
- Tokyo Dragon
- Tomb Of Akhenaten
- Tomb of Dead
- Tomb of Gold
- Tomb of Mirrors
- Tomb of Nefertiti
- Tomb of the King
- Tomb Raider
- Tombstone
- Tombstone R.I.P
- Tombstone: No Mercy
- Tome of Madness
- Tommy Gun's Vendetta
- Tons of Suns
- Top Dawg$
- Top O' The Bonus
- Top Shot
- Top Up Fortunes Ocean
- Torii Tumble
- Tornado Dice
- Toro 7s
- Toro Bravo
- Toro Rockets
- Toro Shogun
- Toro Wilds Reel
- Toshi Video Club
- Total Eclipse Feature Buy
- Totem Drop
- Totem Drop Extreme
- Totem Guardians Dream Drop
- Totem Lightning
- Totem Lightning Power Reels
- Totem Link
- Totem Stomp
- Totem Thunder
- Totem Wonders
- Toucan Wild
- Touchdown Treasures
- Tower of Power
- Tower Power
- Tower Tumble
- Towering Pays Babylon
- Towering Pays Excalibur
- Towering Pays Rome
- Tractor Beam
- Trailblazer
- Train to Rio Grande
- Tramp Day
- Transylvania: Night of Blood
- Transylvanian Beauty
- Traveling Treasures Africa
- Traveling Treasures Brazil
- Traveling Treasures India
- Trawler Fishin'
- Treasure Horse
- Treasure Hunter
- Treasure Ireland
- Treasure Island
- Treasure Journey: Genie's Gold
- Treasure Mine
- Treasure Mine Power Reels
- Treasure of Tengshe
- Treasure of the Sands
- Treasure Skyland
- Treasure Tiles Scarab
- Treasure Tracks
- Treasure Trove
- Treasure Vault
- Treasure-snipes
- Treasures of Aztec
- Treasures of Egypt
- Treasures of Egypt
- Treasures Of Kilauea
- Treasures of Kilauea Mega Moolah
- Treasures of Ra
- Treasures of Rome
- Treasures of the Dead
- Treasures of the Gods
- Treat Yo' Elf
- Tree of Fortune
- Tree of Gold
- Tree of light
- Tree of Riches
- Trees of Treasure
- Tribe
- Tribe of Thunder
- Tricks and Treats
- Trident of Legends
- Tridentia
- Trigger Happy
- Trillionaire
- Triple 7 Red, White and Blue
- Triple 777 Spitfire
- Triple Action Joker
- Triple Bar
- Triple Blaze
- Triple Chili
- Triple Christmas Gold
- Triple Dragons
- Triple Eggs 100
- Triple Fruit Deluxe Megaways
- Triple Irish
- Triple Jokers
- Triple Monkey
- Triple Multi Dragon
- Triple Royal Gold
- Triple Spin to Win
- Triple Star
- Triple Tigers
- Triple Tiki Super Free Spins
- Triple Vegas Mega Spin
- Trojan Kingdom
- Troll Haven
- Troll Hunters
- Troll's Gold
- Trollpot 5000
- Trolls Bridge
- Tropical Adventure
- Tropical Bonanza
- Tropical Heat
- Tropicool 3
- True Grit Redemption
- True Kult
- True Wild
- Tsai Shen 10K Ways Dream Drop
- Tsar Treasures
- Tumble in the Jungle Wild Fight
- Tundra's Fortune
- Turbo Play
- Turn Your Fortune
- Turning Totems
- Turtle Paradise
- Tuts Twister
- Twerk
- Twice as Nice
- Twilight Princess
- Twin Cash: Hold & Win
- Twin Spin
- Twin Spin Deluxe
- Twin Spin Megaways
- Twin Spin XXXtreme
- Twistar
- Twisted Lab
- Twisted Toy Tales
- Twisted Turbine
- Twister
- Twofold the Gold
- Tyrannosaurus Rocks
- Tyrant King Megaways
- Tyrant's Fall
- U
- Ugliest Catch
- Ultimate Hold 'N' Win
- Ultra Burst
- Ultra 7 Wild
- Ultra Burn
- Ultra Fresh
- Ultra Hotfire
- Ultra Joker
- Ultra Rich
- Undead Fortune
- Undefeated Xerxes
- Undine's Deep
- Unicorn Bliss
- Unicorn Forest
- Unicorn Reels
- Unlimited Treasures
- Unlimited Wishes
- Unusual Catch
- Unusual Suspects
- Unusual Suspects Cartel Cash
- Uplinko
- Urartu
- V
- V.I.P.
- Valentine's Heart
- Valhall Gold
- Valhalla
- Valkyries
- Valletta Megaways
- Valley of dreams
- Valley of Pharaohs
- Valley of Secrets
- Valley of the Dead OnlyWins BoltLock
- Valley of the Gods
- Valley of the Gods 2
- Vampire Kiss
- Vampire Odyssey
- Vampire Riches Doublemax
- Vampire Senpai
- Vampire's Charm
- Vampires II
- Vampires vs Wolves
- Vampy Party
- Van der Wilde and The Outlaws
- Van Helsings Book of the Undead
- Vault Blast Hold & Win
- Vault Cracker
- Vault Cracker MegaWays
- Vault Of Anubis
- Vault of Fortune
- Vegans vs Vampires
- Vegas Blast
- Vegas Blast Minimax
- Vegas Cash
- Vegas Cash Spins
- Vegas Diamonds
- Vegas Fruits
- Vegas Gold
- Vegas Golden Bells
- Vegas Hold & Win
- Vegas Hot
- Vegas Hot 81
- Vegas Hot Spots
- Vegas Hotties
- Vegas Magic
- Vegas Mega Spin
- Vegas Megaways
- Vegas Night Life
- Vegas Nights
- Vegas No Limit Wins
- Vegas Payouts
- Vegas Reels II
- Vegas Repeat Wins
- Vegas Royale
- Vegas Royale Super Wheel
- Vegas Rush
- Vegas Time
- Vegas VIP Gold
- Vegas Wins
- Vending Machine
- Victorious
- Viking Crusade
- Viking Fall
- Viking Forge
- Viking Fury Spinfinity
- Viking Lock
- Viking Queen
- Viking Raid Zone
- Viking Runecraft
- Viking Runecraft: Apocalypse
- Viking Smash
- Viking's Chess - The Conqueror's Game
- Viking's Legacy EveryWay
- Vikings
- Vikings Creed
- Vikings Fight for Honour
- Vikings go Berzerk
- Vikings Go Berzerk Reloaded
- Vikings Go To Egypt Wild Fight
- Vikings Go To Hell
- Vikings Go to Valhalla
- Vikings go Wild
- Vikings Journey
- Vikings Unleashed Megaways
- Vikings Way
- Vikings: The Saga of Fenrir
- Vintage Win
- VIP Filthy Riches
- Viral Spiral
- Virtual Golf
- Visitors
- Viva Las Vegas
- Vlads Castle
- Volatile Egypt Dream Drop
- Volatile Slot
- Volatile Vikings
- Volatile Vikings 2 Dream Drop
- Volcano Deluxe
- Volcano Island
- Volcano Riches
- Volcano Rising
- Voodoo
- Voodoo Candy Shop
- Voodoo Dice
- Voodoo Gold
- Voodoo Hex
- Voodoo Magic
- Voodoo People
- Voodoo Reels
- Voodoo Shark
- Voodoo Temple
- W
- Wacky Panda
- Wacky Waves
- Waikiki Hold and Win
- Walk of Shame
- Walrus King
- Wandering Devourer
- Wandering Wild
- Wanted Dead or a Wild
- Wanted Outlaws
- Wanted Unusual Suspects
- Wanted Wildz
- Wanted Wildz Extreme
- War of Gods
- Warlords: Crystals of Power
- Warp Wreckers Power Glyph
- Warrior Ways
- Warrior's Quest
- Warriors & Warlocks
- Water Tiger
- WaterBlox
- Way of The Tiger
- Ways of the Labyrinth
- Ways of the Qilin
- Ways of the Samurai
- Wedding Party!
- Welcome To Hell 81
- Well of Wilds Megaways
- Well of Wishes
- Well of Wonders
- Werewolf's Hunt
- West Coast Cash Infinity Reels
- Western Gold
- Western Gold 2
- Western Gold Megaways
- Western Jack
- Western Wilds
- Western Wilds Hold & Win
- Western Wilds Megaways
- Westward
- Wet and Wild Beavers
- Whack the Bell - Tap n Cash
- Whacked
- What a Hoot
- What the Fox! Megaways
- Wheel O'Gold
- Wheel of Time
- Wheel of Winners
- Wheel of Wishes
- Wheels of Rock
- Where the Wilds Are
- Whisker Jones
- Whispering Winds
- White Buffalo
- White Buffalo Miracles
- White Rabbit
- White Wizard Deluxe
- White Wolf Moon
- Who's the Bride
- Wicked 777
- Wicked Dice
- Wicked Wins - Fortune Pick
- Wild Adventures: Big 5 Elephant Edition
- Wild Animals
- Wild Ape
- Wild Ape #3258
- Wild Bandito
- Wild Bard
- Wild Bison Charge
- Wild Blood
- Wild Booster
- Wild Bounty
- Wild Bounty Showdown
- Wild Buccaneers Megaways
- Wild Buffalo Bonanza
- Wild Bullets
- Wild Buzz
- Wild Cash
- Wild Cash Dice
- Wild Cash Spins
- Wild Cash x9990
- Wild Catch
- Wild Cats Multiline
- Wild Cauldron
- Wild Celebrity Bus
- Wild Chapo
- Wild Chapo Dream Drop
- Wild Chicago
- Wild Circus
- Wild Coaster
- Wild Colt
- Wild Coyote Megaways
- Wild Craft
- Wild Cup
- Wild Dealer
- Wild Diamond 7x
- Wild Dog
- Wild Dojo Strike
- Wild Donuts
- Wild Drop Multiplier
- Wild Duel
- Wild Elements
- Wild Empire – Rome
- Wild energy
- Wild Expedition
- Wild Fight
- Wild Fireworks
- Wild Fishin' Wild Ways
- Wild Five
- Wild Flower
- Wild Fruits
- Wild Fusion
- Wild Genie & The Three Wishes
- Wild Girls
- Wild Gladiators
- Wild Gods
- Wild Gold
- Wild Guns
- Wild Hammer Megaways
- Wild Harlequin
- Wild Heart
- Wild Heist at Peacock Manor
- Wild Heist Cashout
- Wild Herd
- Wild Hike
- Wild Hogs
- Wild Jack
- Wild Jack
- Wild Jack 81
- Wild Jack Remastered
- Wild Jane
- Wild Joker
- Wild Joker Stacks
- Wild Link Cleopatra
- Wild Link Frenzy
- Wild Link Riches
- Wild Link Zeus
- Wild Love
- Wild Luchador
- Wild Marlin - Big Game Fishing
- Wild Melon
- Wild Mine
- Wild Money Bass
- Wild Moon Saloon
- Wild Moon Thieves
- Wild Nords
- Wild North
- Wild O'Clock
- Wild Ocean
- Wild One
- Wild Overlords
- Wild Overlords Bonus Buy
- Wild Party Jokers
- Wild Pixies
- Wild Pops
- Wild Portals
- Wild Pride
- Wild Pups
- Wild Quad Squad
- Wild Rapa Nui
- Wild Robo Factory
- Wild Rubies
- Wild Rubies Christmas Edition
- Wild Rubies GDN
- Wild Rubies RHFP
- Wild Scoops - Tap n Cash
- Wild Shifter
- Wild Slinger
- Wild Sorcery
- Wild Spartans
- Wild Spells
- Wild Spirit
- Wild Stack Frenzy
- Wild Stallion
- Wild Stocking
- Wild Storm Legionnaire
- Wild Streak
- Wild Supreme
- Wild Survivor
- Wild Swarm
- Wild Swarm 2
- Wild Thirst
- Wild Tiger
- Wild Tome of the Woods
- Wild Toro
- Wild Turkey
- Wild Turkey Megaways
- Wild Unicorns
- Wild Volcano
- Wild Walker
- Wild Water
- Wild West Angel
- Wild West Duels
- Wild West Trueways
- Wild West Zone
- Wild Wild Bass
- Wild Wild Bass 2
- Wild Wild Bass 2 Xmas Special
- Wild Wild Bass 3
- Wild Wild Bison
- Wild Wild Cash Out
- Wild Wild Chest
- Wild Wild Riches Megaways
- Wild Wild Romance
- Wild Wild Vegas
- Wild Wild West: The Great Train Heist
- Wild Willy's Gold Rush
- Wild Winner
- Wild Woof
- Wild Worlds
- Wild Zone
- Wild-O-Tron 3000
- Wildchemy
- Wildest Gambit
- Wildfire
- Wildfire Wins
- Wildfire Wins Extreme
- Wildies
- Wilds From The Crypt
- Wilds Gone Wild
- Wilds of the West
- Wilds Of Wall Street
- Wilds Of Wall Street 2
- Wilfred's Wheel
- Wilhelm Tell
- William Tell & the Wild Arrows
- Willy's Hot Chillies
- Win & Replay
- Win Blaster
- Win Blaster Christmas Edition
- Win City
- Win Eagle
- Win Shooter
- Win Win
- Win Win Fish Prawn Crab
- Win Win Won
- Win-O-Mart
- Win-O-Rama
- Win-O-Rama XL
- Win-O-Rama XL Extended
- Windy City
- Winfall in Paradise
- Winfinitum Reels
- Winfrey Treasures
- Wings of Horus
- Wings Of Ra
- Wings of Riches
- Winnergie
- Winners Cup
- Wins & Wheels
- Wins of Fortune
- Wins of Mermaid - Multi Power
- Wins of Winter
- Winter Bells
- Winter Champions
- Winter Princess
- Winter Wonders
- Winterberries
- Winterberries 2
- Wisdom of Athena
- Wisdom of Athena 1000
- Wish for a Cash Star
- Wish Upon A Cashpot
- Wish upon a Jackpot
- Wishing Wheel
- Witch Feature
- Witch Queen
- Witchcraft Academy
- Witches Go Wild In Oz
- Witches Wild Brew
- Witchin Winnin
- Witchy Poppins
- Wixx
- Wizard of Gems
- Wizard Trio
- Wizard Winfall
- Wizard's Spell
- Wizarding Wins
- Wolf Blaze Megaways
- Wolf Blaze Wowpot Megaways
- Wolf Call
- Wolf Canyon: Hold & Win
- Wolf Cub
- Wolf Gold Ultimate
- Wolf Haven
- Wolf Hiding
- Wolf Howl
- Wolf Hunters
- Wolf it Up
- Wolf Land: Hold and Win
- Wolf Legend Megaways
- Wolf Peak
- Wolf Strike
- Wolfkin
- Wombaroo
- Wonder Farm
- Wonder Farm Bonus Buy
- Wonder Woods
- Wonderland Wilds
- Wonders of Christmas
- Woolly Wilds
- Woolly Wilds MAX
- World Cup Gold
- World of Circus
- Wrath of the Dragons
- Wrigley's World
- Wunderfest
- Wunderfest Deluxe
- WWE Legends: Link & Win
- X
- X-Wild
- Xcalibur
- Xibalba
- Xmas Drop
- Xmas Joker
- Xmas Lightning
- Xmas Magic
- Xmas Plinko
- Xmas Pop Delight
- Xmas Secret
- Xmas Unwrapped
- Xpander
- Xploding Pumpkins
- Xterminate
- xWays Hoarder xSplit
- Y
- Yakuza Honor
- Year of Olympia Wild Energy
- Year of The Dragon King
- Year-Round Riches Clusterbuster
- Yellow Slotmarine
- Yeti Battle of Greenhat peak
- Yeti Quest
- Yokosuna Clash
- Yucatan's Mystery
- Yummy Wilds
- Z
- Zaida's Fortune
- Zap Attack
- ZapOtec Gold
- Ze Zeus
- Zeldar's Fortunes
- Zeus Kingdom of Riches
- Zeus Lightning Megaways
- Zeus Lightning Power Reels
- Zeus Lightning Riches Power Combo
- Zeus Rising
- Zeus Rush Fever
- Zeus Rush Fever Deluxe
- Zeus Smash
- Zeus vs. Hades - Gods of War
- Zeus Wild Thunder
- Zeus' Thunderbolt
- Zeus's Thunderbolt 5000
- Zicke Zacke
- Zipper
- Zodiac
- Zodiac Infinity Reels
- Zodiac Zen
- Zombie aPOPalypse
- Zombie Circus
- Zombie Queen
- Zombie Queen K Gamble
- Zombie Rush Deluxe
- Zombies at the Door
- Zoom
- Zulu Gold