Parlez-vous français? If so, then break out the champagne and hors d’oeuvres! We are pleased to announce that Wildz has added French to our languages. We can now better serve our French Canadian and other French-speaking customers.
All web pages, from account settings to legal documentation like Terms and Conditions, are now readily available in the French language. Banners, reward cards, and site messages have also been fully translated into French. In short, all information from simple text to complex legal policies are now available to French-speaking customers in their mother tongue.
In addition to the website, customer communications will shortly be available in French as well. We are currently putting the final touches on a language selector so all our customers - in Canada and elsewhere - will soon be able to select the language in which they would like to receive Wildz communications.
In addition to this new French localisation, we are working to include more local customisation where possible. While we won’t be translating the website to Hindi anytime soon, account currency will soon be available in rupees (₹) for our Indian customers. We will, however, be creating an English localisation for India which will represent values in rupees and allow for customised news and offers going forward.
Without giving away the plan, rest assured that Wildz online casino is currently working to expand into additional markets. Where the volumes make sense to provide localisation, we always strive to provide our customers with a familiar experience whether that be a complete localisation like this French or conveniences such as the rupee displayed for India-based accounts. Should there be any instances where you find that your localisation needs finessing or a translation is missing, please contact us at [email protected] with those details and we will work quickly to resolve any inconsistencies.